Chapter 3: The Interrogation

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Jay's POV

  We were ridding back to the distrit, Laura was in the back seat starring out of the window resting her head against it, her hands were handcuffed behind her back, but she didn't even seem to care about that.

"Hey Laura, are you alright in there?" Hailey asked her, she was also worried about the girl that looked like she was completly out of this world.

"I'm ok" Laura replied in a very low tone without taking her eyes of the window.

  I looked at Hailey who was as clueless as me. The rest of the drive to the distrit was silent, that girl was clearly hiding something, she didn't even seem to care about being arrested, she was trapped inside her world of thoughts and that broke my heart.
  When we arrived me and Hailey got out of the car and I went to help Laura getting out of the truck, since she couldn't open the door and was too short to reach the floor.

"Where are we?" she asked looking around the garage but especially focasing on the cage where Voight did his things 'of the books'.

"We're in the police station, but you have nothing to worry about. We're going upstairs to a room where we can ask you some questions, other police officers will be there too, but no one's gonna hurt you." Hailey answered her back with a smile on her face.
  I was holding Laura's arm as we walked up the stairs when she started to drag her feet in the steps.

"Are you okay? You seem like you're gonna fall." I asked Laura a little worried, the truth is I didn't want anything bad happening to this girl, she was young, had her all life ahead of her and didn't need her father's actions to ruin the bright future she could have.

"Just a little hungry." Laura answered me back while nodding her head.
Me and Hailey looked again at eachother as we finally went up the stairs and got to the interrogation room.

"Have a seat here" I told her as I pointed to the chair "And I think we can take this off." I said as I gently grabbed her wrists to take out the handcuffs. I couldn't stop noticing how slim she was and how bruised her wrists were.

"Okay Laura, I'm going to go get you some food and you'll stay here with Hailey. My boss, sergeant Voight will be here in a while too. I'll be right back with your food."

"Thank you." I heard a shy voice saying. Damn what can anyone possibly have done to her.

Hailey's POV

  Jay quickly came back with a sandwich and a soda placed them on the table and gave me a nod with his head assuring me that I could do this.

"Okay Laura I'm going to ask you a few questions and I want you to be honest with me." She looked right at me and than at the plastic plate with the sandwich, almost as asking me for permition.

"This is for you, no one will be mad at you for eating it." I told her and she carefully started to eat the food.

"So we have a photo of you selling a bag of cocain to this woman" I told her as I laid down the picture in front of her "And as you know, this is a crime that will for sure send you again to juvy, but this time it's a little different." When I said this, Laura took her eyes of the picture and looked straight at me.

"I know, and I don't care anymore. Here, back in Portugal, I'll always just be treated as a piece of shit, so if you don't mind I'd like my laywer and to call my dad too, please."

  I could feel the pain and the fear in her voice, it hurt me just earing her saying something like that.

"Well Laura that's the thing, you don't need to be treated like that anymore. We can help you, as long as you help us back." She once again looked at me and than back down as she answered me back.

"I know what tou're going to ask me, and I think you also know the answer, so please get me my laywer."

"You don't need to do this to yourself, there's a all world of opportunities out there, you just need to make the right choice." At this point she wasn't even looking at me anymore, just starring at the glass with her eyes empty of emotion.

"Who's in the other side?"


"In the other side of the mirror, who's wachting us?"

"Laura, I can assure you it's just the two of us, nobody else is listenning or wachting, just me and you."

"Well, I don't want to talk anymore, just do whatever you want with me, I'm done with my fucking life."

  Just as I was about to try to talk to her again Voight got into the interrogation room, I could immediatly feel the fear he caused in Laura.

"Hi, I'm sergeant Hank Voight" he said extending his hand to Laura as she carefully took it.
"Laura Gonçalves, am I pronouncing it right?" Voight asked struggling a little with the letters.

"It's close enough" Laura answered him back.

"Well Laura, I'm going to be very clear to you. In this moment you have two options, you either help us getting your father and you walk away or we charge you and you get deported. Those are the rules there are no other options. And before you try to defend your father think about all the bad things he did to you and to other people. See this dead people here?" Voight asked her laying the pictures of the overdose victims in front of Laura. "This people were killed by the drugs your father makes you sell, wich makes you a cumplice and you'll defenetly be charged as one. So, do you really want to ruin your life for a criminal like your dad?" Laura was starring deep into Voight's eyes, like she was trying to understand if he wasn't playing with her or just trying to scare her.

"I've already said I wouldn't do it."

"Well I'm giving you another chance to think about your decision, I understand you're sick of all of this and that you just want to give up, but that's exactly why you should help us." What Voight said got her atention since she was looking him in his eyes.
"If you do what we're asking you, your dad would go to jail for at least 20 years, that is more than enough to start a new life away from him and all the trouble he has caused you."

"If I help you getting my father, we'll you promise to protect me?"

"Of course, why?"

"Because I think he wants to kill me."

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