Chapter 18: A New Family

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Laura's POV

"Laura, hurry up! I need to go to work, Jay's gonna pick us up in 10 minutes!" I heard Hailey say.

"I'll be down in a second. Just finishing getting dressed."

I had been at Hailey's house for almost two weeks, my injuries were finally almost healed and I wasn't struggling to do the simplest things anymore. The nightmares were also almost gone, after almost daily sessions of therapy with Dr.Charles I was finally being able to deal with my emotions and everything that had happened in the past.

I finished getting dressed and then went to the kitchen where Hailey was eating her breakfast.

"Okay, I'm ready we can go." I said grabbing my back pack. Hailey was finally gonna take me to the station to properly meet everyone and I was also trying to catch up with everything I hadn't learned during the time I skipped school, which was a lot.

"Eat first, you heard the doctor." Hailey said giving me a plate with some bacon and eggs on it.

I was still trying to get used to the idea of eating in general, after my dad almost forbidding me from doing it I had basically created an aversion to food.

"I'm fine really, I'll just drink some coffee or juice."

"Laura we've talked about this, you are still underweight so you're gonna need to start eating more, whether you like it or not." Hailey said already tired of having the same conversation with me over the last weeks.

"It's just I'm not used to eating a lot and, no offense but bacon and eggs at 8 am just make me want to throw up." I said being completly honest, but also trying not to be rude at the same time.

"Hey, it's okay, you don't need to eat all of this. Just eat an apple or some bread and later I'll buy you something else to eat." Hailey said with a smile on her face, she really was amazing.

"Thank you. I don't mean to be rude or anything it's just really hard to be normal, I guess."

"Don't say that about yourself, you already are normal, what happened in your past doesn't define who you are. You're getting through everything in your own rhythm and there's nothing wrong about it" Hailey said kissing my head just as her phone rang. "Come on, Jay's outside."

The drive to the district was fast, Jay and Hailey were talking and laughing during the entire time, they really were meant for eachother. When we arrived Jay parked his truck and we got inside the precint, it was crowded with people rushing to do their jobs and there was a lady in the front desk giving orders to everyone.

"Chuckles and Blondie, what can I do for you in this nice sunny morning?" She asked making me laugh.

"Sergeant Platt, it's always a pleasure to see you and it's Detective Chuckles if you don't mind. This is Laura by the way" he said bringing me closer to him, I guess the desk sergeant hadn't even noticed me because I was basically hidding behind Jay "She was the one who went undercover on that big drug dealing case we solved."

"Oh my god! It's a pleasure to meet you, everyone's really proud of what you did Kid, including me, and I don't say this many times."

"Thank you." I said putting a fake smile on my face trying to change the subject of the conversation. The truth is I didn't feel proud of what I did. I sent my own father to jail, I mean, what kind of person does that?

"Come on, let's go upstairs to meet everyone." Hailey said directing me towards the stairs.

Jay put his hand on the palm reader and the metal door opened up, the three of us went up the stairs and then I saw a room full of desks and people. The last time I had been on this part of the station was when my dad beated me up for something that I hadn't even done, so I was a little nervous.

"Laura, it's nice to see you again!" A lady said getting close to me. "You remember me, right?"

"Yeah, you're Kim, it's nice to see you again too."

"Great, so this is Kevin and Adam, you've met them before too and there's also Vanessa but she's undercover working in a case. We were all really worried about you, I'm glad you're okay."

"Thank you."

I hugged everyone and then we talked for a while, they were all very nice and, honestly, I'm thankful none of them made any questions about the case or my father, because I don't think I was ready to answer them, not yet anyways.

"I see we have a visitor!" I heard a raspy voice say. I knew him, it was Sergeant Voight. "It's nice to see you, Laura." He said shaking my hand.

"Thank you, sir."

"Please, call me Hank, and come over here to my office I'd like to talk to you in private for a second."

I looked at Hailey trying to understand if I was in trouble or something but she gave me a reassuring nod so I followed Hank to his office and sat down on a chair in front of his desk.

"Can I get you something? A glass of water or soda if you prefer?" He asked also sitting down on his big chair.

"I think I'm good, thank you."

"So talk to me. How's everything going? Has Hailey been treating you alright?"

"Yeah, everything is perfect and Hailey is awesome, she makes me feel safe and happy."

"Good. I went to see you in the hospital once, but you were asleep, I wanted to tell you that I know a couple who's interested in looking after you. They are two nice ladies that I've known for a long time, one is a teacher and the other's a nurse. I told them about you and they said they'd be more than happy to take you in. So what do you think about it would you like to meet them?"

"Yes, I would love to, they seem to be nice."

"Yeah, they really are. One of them used to work with my wife, she was a teacher too, I think this is a great opportunity for you to start over. And also, the court agreed into clean your record because of your help solving the case."

"I don't know what to say, you didn't need to do all of this, thank you!" I said trying to prevent the tears from falling of my eyes.

"There's no need to thank me kid, I'm just glad everything turned out fine." He said standing up and hugging me. My face was burried in his chest and I really couldn't hold the tears anymore so I started to cry. After a long time I finally felt like I could live the life I had always dreamed of.

"It's okay kiddo, everything's gonna be alright now." He said while he stroked my hair and kissed my head. "I'm really proud of what you did!"

I stayed on his caring embrace for a few minutes until I finally calmed down. I was still sobbing and my heart was racing with all the emotions that I could no longer hold back.

"Let me get you some water and a tissue."


"Yeah kid?"

"Thank you for everything you've done for me. I promise I won't let you down."

"I know you won't kidoo."


AN.: Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter and vote and comment if you want:)

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