Chapter 13: Wake up

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Hailey's POV

"This should have never happened! I knew something was wrong, I told you Laura was in danger but you didn't listen to me, you didn't care about it, you were just worried about solving this stupid case!"

"I didn't care? You think I didn't care about Laura? I was aware of everything and I had to make a decision because I'm the one who's in charge! I understand how you are feeling, but you've got no rights to talk to me like that, Hailey!"

"I've got no rights to talk to you like that?We found Laura wrapped in plastic bleeding out, left do die in the cold like she was just trash! Her heart stopped beating, she's in surgery right now fighting for her damn life and no one even knows if she's gonna survive, I think I have all the rights to talk to you like this!"

"Hailey, before you say something else that you might regret later, I'm gonna pretend this conversation never happened. Go for a walk, calm down and when your head's in the right place we'll talk about this."

"Damn right we will!"

I turned my back on Voight and went to seat down next to Jay waiting for the doctor to give us some information about Laura. My heart was beating fast and I couldn't stop bouncing my leg because of how nervous I was. The guilt and the rage were taking over me and I couldn't stop the tears from falling of my eyes. My only job was to protect this girl and I completly failled, she might not even survive.

"Hailey, stop. Don't do this to yourself." Jay said placing his hand on my knee trying to make me stop the annoying movement.

"It's all my fault Jay. I knew something was wrong and I didn't do anything about it, maybe if we weren't so worried about solving the case, we could have stopped Bruno from hurting Laura."

"You can't think about the if's, what's done is done, all we can do know is wait and hope that she'll be alright."

And so that's what we did, we waited and waited, minuts turned into hours, people came in and out, but there was still nothing about Laura. I was almost falling asleep when Jay tapped on my leg telling me to stand up, I opened my eyes and saw Will in front of us.

"Will, how is she?"

"Laura lost a lot of blood, it's probably why she went into cardiac arrest,but we brought her back quickly and then she went to surgery. Dr.Marcel was able to repair the internal bleeding she had on her stomach, but the one on her spleen was too sever so he had to remove it. She had a stabbing hound on her back, probably caused by a knife which punctured her lung, but that was fixed too, 6 of her ribs were broken and she also has a small concussion. The good news is that she didn't suffer any permanent brain damage, only a small concussion that  should heal in the next couple of days.She's in the pediatric ICU right now, we're keeping her conected to the ventilator for a few more hours to allow her body to get stronger and to compensate from the blood lost and the hypothermia."

"So she's gonna be okay?"

"We don't know yet, but it's what we're hoping for. There is just one more thing you should know, Laura is malnourished and we also found some old injuries and bone fractures that healed without medical treatment."

"What are you trying to say?" Jay asked not understanding what his brother was telling us.

"Jay, all of this points to years of abuse."

More tears fell from my eyes once again, of course I knew what this man was cappable of, I had seen it myself, but I never knew it had been going on for so long.

"Can we see her?" I asked Will not wanting anything more than to hold that poor girl in my arms.

"Yeah, but just one at a time for now." Will said and then took a step back allowing us to process what we had just heard. I couldn't take it anymore, I was freaking out without being able to see Laura and to check with my own eyes that she indeed was alive.

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