Chapter 5: Scars

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Jay's POV

It had been one week since we started working with Laura in the undercover mission to try to get her father. We haven't had any useful information yet, since her father is very careful and always talks using 'codes', leaving us with nothing to work with.

"Anything yet?" I heard Hailey asking, we were sitting inside on the van listenning to the wire that Laura placed in her living room.

"Not really, but Laura will soon be leaving the house to go to school, so maybe she can tell us something we couldn't understand through the wire."

"I hope so, because right now, we can't even connect him to the overdoses."

A few other minutes went by and me and Hailey were just talking to eachother, until a lot of screams got our attention.

"Puta de merda sai da minha casa" I heard Bruno yell through the wire.

"What the hell is that about?" I asked Hailey,

"No ideia, but they both seem pretty pissed of, lets just hope it doesn't become violent."

Just as I was about to answer Hailey back I heard another scream:

"Eu um dia mato-te caralho!"

Which was followed by the sound of Bruno punching and kicking Laura and her cries and screams of pain

"Dad stop, I didn't do it!!" Laura said gasping for air, "Please I swear I didn't steal any money from you! I don't even know what you're talking about, just let me go!"

Laura's screams were followed by other punches and kicks from her father, and just when me and Hailey were about to get out of the van, we saw Laura stumbling out of the house with a bloody and bruised face. She was leaning against the fence for support, while also grabbing her ribs. She was barely standing up and couldn't even walk straight, so when she got to the alley me and Hailey went to help her.

"Laura, what happened there?" Hailey gently asked her, lifting Lauta's head a little so that she could look at her face. When she did it, I could see the blood running out of her wounds, as her eyes full of tears looked straight at Hailey.

"You said you were going to keep me safe. He told me he was going to kill me, and you weren't there, nobody was."

"I know, we both do, we're sorry it's just it all went so fast and we didn't think your dad would actually do something like that."

"Well, Jay, he did. And you guys weren't even fucking there to protect me as you said you would." Laura had tears streaming down her face and slowly sat on the floor leaning against the wall. Hailey looked at me and then went to seat next to her.

"We're so sorry Laura, we really are and we know we made a big mistake, but you need to keep believing in us. I know it all sounds scarry and, right now you're in pain because of a mistake me and Jay made, but please let us help you now, we're here for you now, so just let us help you."


"Okay, so we're gonna take you to the hospital, just to check your injuries and make sure that it's nothing too serious."

"No, no hospital."

"Laura, just..."

"I said no! I'm not going to any hospital my dad would find out and then it would all be even worse."

"That's okay, my brother is a doctor, if you agree we could take you to the police station and hs could check you there. Does that sound good to you?"

"A police station? Did you even listen to what I've just said?"

"I did, and that's why I can assure you he won't find out. Trust us just this one more time."

"Whatever, just promise me you won't let him hurt me again."

"We promise you."


Jay's POV

When we arrived at the station Laura was asleep in the back of the truck, I could barely hold back my tears after seing her so hurt and defeated because of a mistake me and Hailey commited. She was all bruised and her face was covered with blood, she looked destroyed.

"I'll get her and lay her down on the couch in the break room. Can you go and call my brother explainning what's going on, please?"

"Sure, we really messed up this time Jay."

"I know, I just hope she'll be alright."

I opended the car door and gently picked up Laura in my arms, being extremely careful not to hurt her even more, she stirred a little when I touched her but didn't wake up. I carried her upstairs and layed her down on the couch seating in a chair next to her putting some ice on her face trying to make the swelling go away.

Half an hour later my brother Will arrived with a medical bag and a concerned look on his face.
Laura was awake by now and holding my hand, trying to keep the pain away as she was still crying.

"Hi, my name's Dr. Halstead but you can call me Will, I'm Jay's brother. You don't have anything to worry about I'm just going to do a quick check up. Could you tell me your name please?"


"Okay Laura, it's all going to be alright."

Will took his stethoscope out of his bag and preassed it slightly, making Laura stirr a little, which didn't go unnoticed by Will.

"Is your chest hurting?" Will asked her.

Laura was crying so she just nonned yes.

"I'm going to take of your jaket to have a better look, okay?"

When Will took of her jaket and her shirt, me and Hailey looked at eachother, she was extremely slim and mostly of her ribs were visible, she also had bruises and scars all over her chest and belly, some new but also soms old.

"Laura, I'm going to ask you this because I'm a doctor and I'm worried about you, do you eat often?"

Laura took a moment to answer and just kept starring at her hand that I was holding.

"Dad only lets me eat after I get him his money."

"And what about these scars? Can you tell me how you got them?"

"I don't talk about my scars."

After that the room went silent until Will finished treating Laura and I went to get her some food as she spent the rest of the day with us, until it started getting late and I decided to take her home. When we arrived at her house I helped her getting out of the car, I still blamed myself for what happened.

"I know I've already told you this but..." Laura cut me of by hugging me.
"You're sorry, I know."

I watched her going into the house and couldn't hold back my tears this time, I just hope nothing bad happens to her again.


AN.: That was chapter 5, I hope you enjoyed it. I wrote those two sentences in Portuguese, tell me of you liked it or not, I could write them in English or put the translation next to them, tell me what you prefer.

Thank you for reading:)

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