Chapter 10: The Bust

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Jay's POV

1 hour before the bust

"Boss, we're all set!"

"Yeah here too." Atwater said as he helped Vanessa strap her vest.

"Alright lets roll! Has Laura talked to any of you since yesterday?"

"No, no yet."

"And the wire?"

"It's been quiet in the last few hours."

"Well it doesn't matter now, let's go get this prick!"

We all got in our cars and drove to the place where the deal was happening. When we arrived me and Hailey got out gear from the truck and went to the roof of the warehouse where we'd be wacthing the deal ready to shoot if something went wrong.

"So are you nervous?" I asked Hailey because I saw her always checking the time on her phone.

"No, I'm just worried about Laura and the deal. She always answers my texts, I've called her like 8 times and she still hasn't picked up and we haven't heard a single noise from the wire, I think it's a lot of coincidences."

"Maybe she's trying to be careful, you know with her dad and all."

"I don't know Jay something doesn't feel right to me."

'Guys 10 minuts to the deal, be advised the drug seller has already arrived, we're just waiting for Bruno and Laura to show up.'  Atwater said through the radio

"Alright let's do this."

The minuts went by fast, but Bruno still hadn't arrive and we were all getting suspicous about it, because of course, he wouldn't miss a deal like this.

'Anything on Bruno yet?'

"No boss, he's like 30 minuts late and the other dude is leaving. I don't think he's coming, the deal is off."

'Get the audio from the wire of his house, now! I wanna know what the hell is going on'

'Sir, we have a problem, there's sometging wrong with the wire, the audio is not working working.'

'Not working like no one's talking?'

'No, not working like someone turned it off!'

Those last words made my eyes go wide, I looked at Hailey and she had the same facial expression as me, the one we make when we know something isn't gonna end up well.

'Call for backup to arrest the seller. I want an alert put out on Bruno immediately, police officers searching the streets, highways blocked, people checking security cameras and someone to go to his house to start looking for evidences of where he might be. The life of a 13 year's old might be in danger and we're gonna make sure she's safe!'

"Me and Hailey are on our way to the house!"

We got out of our positions and speeded to Laura's house with hope that we were still on time. When we finally arrived what we saw made my legs shake. The living room was a mess, there was blood everywhere and broken glass all over the floor, the furniture was destroyed and a bloody knife placed on the couch.

"Roll the crime lab, this is a crime sceen now."

"We have to find her Jay. She might still be alive, she's got to be."

"We will, we just need to find her stupid dad first."

"I'll go start checking the cameras to see if we can find something."

In the station

"Boss I've got something! Bruno's car was cought on camera on a suplly store parking lot on the outsides of Chicago 10 minuts ago, it's still there."

"Call the cops from the nearest police station to arrest him, tell them to procede carefully, Laura could still be with him, this is our last shot to get him! Pack up, we're heading out!"

Me and Hailey got to the car and speeded to the location with the team right behind us. When we finally got there Bruno was siting in the back of a police car with a sickening smirk on his face and bruises covering his hands knuckles.

"Get ou of the car, the party is over, you're coming with us!" I screamed at him while I opened the police car door and pulled him out of it.

"And who the hell are you?"

"Detective Jay Halstead, this is my partner detective Hailey Upton and you're under arrest for drug dealing, agravated assault, kidnapping and domestic violence against a minor!"

"You've got something else to had, or that's all by now?" He asked clearly not bothered with the situation.

"I do actually, where's Laura?"

"Don't know anyone by that name!"

"Don't you dare playing stupid with me! Where's Laura, your daughter? Where is she?!?"

"Your desparation delights me! Snicthes get stiches detective, maybe you and you're little friends should've been more careful. Perhaps using a useless little girl to get your information wasn't your best move, was it detective?"

"Where is Laura? What did you do to her?"

"You're gonna have to wait to see."

"Get in the fucking car, now! We're going for a ride!"

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