Chapter 9: Sniches Get Stiches

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AN.: Before you start reading just wanted to say that there's a scene of violence in this chapter, so if you're sensitive to that be advised.

Hailey's POV

"Alright, lets just take a look at the plan one more time." Voight said with is usual raspy voice, we were all in the bullpen going over the plan for the drug bust on Laura's father that was going down tomorrow.

"Okay so, it'll be in the old silos, me and Jay will be the snipers and we'll be positioned on top of the old warehouse."

"Right, me and Kim we'll be wacthing from un abandoned van we saw today when we were checking the place." Ruzek said.

"And then me and Vanessa will be cutting one of the exits and Voight the other so that they don't have any way out."

"Good, we're all set. Have you talked to Laura today?" Voight asked me.

"Yeah, this moarning. She's terrified, I'm worried that her dad might notice and cancel the deal."

"Well then talk to her, this is our only shot to take this guy down."

"That's not all, she told me and Jay that her dad seemed different, like he was hidding something, even more than the usual."

"Did you ear anything suspicious through the wire?"

"No, that's what me and Jay are worried about, we haven't been able to listen to much in the last few days, every time Laura trys to get him to talk about the drugs he just changes the subject or ignores her."

"Maybe he's just nervous and being careful, it's an important deal for him too, he can't risk making any mistakes."

"I've got a bad feeling about this sergeant."

"Just leave it Hailey, tomorrow will be the bust and we'll finally take this guy of the streets."

Laura's POV

"We've talked about this before!"

"I don't wanna do this, I'm scared!"

"Scared of what? You're acting like a baby, It's simple, you go with me, keep your mouth shut the entire time, don't look at him in the eyes and always do as I say. If you manage to that it'll be just fine! Got it?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, cause this is important and I don't want you to ruin my business."

"I won't dad, I promise."

"Well your promisses aren't worth much for me."

The next day

"Laura get your ass down here, we have 1 hour to get everything ready for the deal and I need to talk to you about something."

"I'm coming dad."

"Hurry the hell up."

"Jesus I'm here, what is this about?" I asked as I looked at my dad standing in the living room preparing everything for the deal.

"Are you still nervous for today?"

"A little, but I won't let you down, I promise."

"That's the problem, you've been promising way too many things in the last few weeks."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I expected you to be better than this!"

"Better than what, dad? What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about? You're playing stupid now? I'm talking about this!!"

I felt my legs go limp and my heart skip a beat as my dad slamed the wire in the coffe table in the middle of the living room.

"You won't talk now? The cat ate your tong?"

"I-I don't K-Know what that is!" I struggled to get the sentence together before I felt my dad's hands grabbing my neck and pushing me agains the wall.

"It's a fucking police wire, that's what it is!! You're gonna pay for it, nobody does things like this to me!"

"Dad Stop!!"

"You fucking bitch! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you, you've always disappointed me!!"

"Dad please... stop! You're hurting me!!" I said as my dad kept thightening his grip around my neck.

"I trusted you and you betrayed me, that won't happen again!!"

"No, please don't..."

"Nobody breaks my trust, ever! And people who do never see the light of the day again!!"

"L-Let me g-go! P-Please I'm Sorry! I'm so S-Sorry!"

"It's too late to apologize! I'm gonna kill you, just like I did to your mother!!"

"Y-You K-Killed h-her?!?"

"Damn right I did!"

"But S-She loved y..."

Before I could even finish my sentence my dad push me to the floor and started punching and kicking me all over my body, there was a ringing in my ears and I struggled to keep my eyes open as pain radiated through my body. I could feel my bones cracking in every spot where he hit me and my head heavy as I tryed to fight him back and stay conscious. When he finally stopped I tryed to lift my body of the floor, and that's when I saw it, there was a knife on top of the coffe table, it was my final shot. I dragged my limp and aching body to the table and tryed to reach for the knife, but he got there before I did and ripped it of my hands.

"You shouldn't have snitched on me!"

After he said those last words, I felt the knife being pushed into by back. Blood started to run out of my mouth, my body went limp and my vision became blurry as I felt the life slowly drain out of me.


AN.: Thank you for reading and for all the votes I hope you're enjoying it

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