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"You excited for the show tonight, Cal?" Luke falls against the couch beside him.

"I'm always excited to play in New Zealand." Calum laughs, but it's obvious something isn't quite right.

"What's up with you? Getting cold feet about the wedding?" Luke tries to joke.

"Never. But Skye's been really sick for like a week now. She seems to me to be getting worse not better. Nika told me Amber's been taking her to school and picking her up from practice and everything. Crystal and Roy have taken over the Nika Hood cheer team at games for the most part. Dana even texted me worried about Skye, since she hasn't been able to go into the Daycare for a week now."

"She hasn't gone to see a doctor?"

"She too stubborn. Says she's keeping enough down and it just needs to pass. But I don't know what it is and it doesn't seem like the flu to me."

"Could it be morning sickness?" Luke asks quietly.

"I mean, technically yes. But it's way more extreme than anything I've ever seen or heard of. None of the others were this sick. She physically looks thinner than she did last week, and she hasn't thrown up less than five times a day since it first hit."

"She really should go in. That's not healthy."

"I know... but she won't listen to me. And I can't exactly make her go from half a world away."

"Also true... maybe Sierra can go check on her tonight or something?"

"Crystal is going to Nika's game, she promised she would check on her and carry her ass to the car if she needs to, to go get her checked out. I'm hoping to hear from her soon actually."

"Glad someone is taking care of her for you, Cal. Breath, Crystal won't let things get too bad."

"I just hate not being there to know exactly what's going on. I only get what people tell me, and most of what I get is not coming from Skye herself."

"I get that, but we have a show tonight, so we have to get to sound check."

"Right." Calum tucks his phone into his pocket, climbing off the couch and heading out with Luke, his mind still a few thousand miles away with his sick fiancée.


"Skye?" she startles awake, looking up into Crystals worried eyes.

"What, what time is it?" She sighs, her body feeling lethargic and heavy.

"It's seven at night, Skye, you've slept all day. You were in this same place when Amber picked up Nika for school. Have you eaten anything?"

"I tried... the crackers and water wouldn't stay down again." Her voice coming out as a whisper.

"Skye, you're so pale, you've lost weight, your skin is dry and chapped. Come on, I'm taking you for fluids if nothing else. You're going to kill yourself if you stay home. You haven't eaten properly in a week."

"I just need to sleep it off." Skye tries to wave her off.

"No, Skye, this is beyond sleep it off. Come on, I'm not taking no for an answer." Crystal pushes, half lifting Skye out of the bed.

"What about Nika?"

"Roy took her to get some dinner. He'll stay in the guest room tonight and take care of her. You are all of our priority right now. Sierra is ready to take Nika after school tomorrow if needed, she has the day off. She also has Amber on standby for whatever we might need."

"I'll be fine." Skye is barely holding her own weight up. Her body so weak, muscles aching as Crystal helps her down the stairs.

"You don't look fine, Skye."

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