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⚠️ TW// mild ⚠️

18 Weeks

"Skye?" she turns at the sound of her voice, making eye contact with ones she recognizes.

"Hi, Tanya, I didn't know you would be here today." She smiles at her aunt, taking a seat on the small bench beside her.

"And I didn't know you would be here. Also I didn't know about this." She smirks, resting her hand against the small bump Skye is not hiding in the fitted gray dress she is wearing.

"We haven't exactly told many people about this yet, I mean our immediate family and closest friends, but that's it. It's been hell, I have been so extremely sick, and stuck in the hospital on multiple occasions because of it. So we've kept to ourselves about it, and it's only just now becoming noticeable to anyone and everyone." Skye shrugs, rubbing her hand over her slightly swollen stomach.

"How far along?" Tanya asks with a smile.

"Eighteen and a half weeks. She should be here about mid July." She smiles.

"She?" Her aunt grins.

"Ya, it's a little girl." Skye nods, "Calum and I are so excited, and Nika is too."

"Well I'm happy for you, Skye, and congratulations on the wedding, the photos we got were beautiful."

"Thank you for understanding that we wanted it to be a very small wedding, and not being offended you were not invited."

"Never. Your day is supposed to be how you want it. So long as you are happy, we are happy for you."

"Not overly happy to be here today." Skye sighs, glancing back up at the front of the court room.

"Me either. It was awful enough the first time in the little district court in Salt Lake... To be here, in a Federal court house in Las Vegas, my son charged with not only a multi state case, but a case that has crossed at least one international boarder..." Her aunt frowns.

"I thought he was fixing it, I cannot believe my dad dragged him into all of this." Skye reaches over softly to squeeze her aunts hand.

"Your dad, my brother-in-law, or used to be." She sighs, turning back to Skye, "I never would have imagined your dad going this way. Even when he left, it always felt like he was to coward to tell your mom he'd had an affair, that he was unfaithful and unable to admit it. I never thought he was someone who was going to get involved with drugs and the mess it is, and I never ever would have imagined my son would get roped into it all with him."

"Me either."

"You, your brothers, your mom, none of you are to blame for this. Jordan made his own choices, and your dad might have become a piece to the life my son chose, but I believe in agency, and my son choosing his path. Him finding an unlucky connection to boost himself into that life is not the fault of those who are the reason he has said connection."

"Thank you." Skye swallows, not knowing how badly she needed that reassurance. Both of them turning as they are told to stand as the judge comes in.

"Is your dad in the same case and trial? Will he be here today too?" Tanya asks as they sit back down.

"Ya, that's how they told me it would be at least. I sort of made it a joint trial when I brought the accusations against both with the same evidence and all the info I didn't know I had until I had it." She shrugs.

"I'll make sure to stay right here then."

"Thanks." Skye smiles, both turning as the Judge starts the court session.

Skye sits numb, the same facts she gave to the authorities being reiterated through the room with Jordan standing in a white jumpsuit beside his lawyer, his hands shackled in front of him. It hurts to see him there, to have to accept that her Jordan, the soft spoken and sweet boy she grew up with isn't the man he chose to be. Knowing she has to accept that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. Despite how many hundreds of times she told him she loved him, or that he could be a the version of him she knows and loves; he chose not to be that person, and her heart breaks a little more with every passing moment. He was her first best friend, her partner in crime, her confidante about everything. And now... now he is a fugitive on the FBI's radar, in prison for life, and she had to move her family to a new home because she wasn't sure she could trust him at all. Silent tears rolling slowly down her face as she watches him, her best friend, but also a complete stranger.

Her dad doesn't earn tears, when he is brought in she has no remorse, no pain, just anger. She sits, not giving him the satisfaction of any emotions crossing her face, stone cold as the charges are discussed again. Tanya does as she promised, sitting beside Skye, hands holding her nieces as they go through it all again.

Nothing seems to get resolved in either part of the case, waiting for more info, a new possible lead, and of course, neither Jordan or her dad giving up any information on who they work with, or for. By the time they are able to leave the court room, Skye is feeling dizzy, overwhelmed and ready to be home in the safety of Cal's arms again.

"Are you staying in the city tonight? Or headed out?" Tanya asks as they leave hand in hand.

"Headed home." Skye smiles, "But it was good to see you today. I wish it had been in more enjoyable circumstances than this though."

"Me too." Tanya stops as someone calls her name from behind, one of Jordan's lawyers.

"Jordan has requested a small meeting with you, and the judge granted it." The lawyer comments as he catches up to them.

"Go. I have a plane to catch." Skye squeezes her aunts hands softly as she turns back. "and Tanya, tell him I love him still. My version of him."

"I will." Her aunt smiles, pulling her into a tight hug, "Take care of this baby, Skye. I can't wait to see photos of her when she gets here."

"Thanks." Skye smiles, once again before heading for the exit while her aunt follows the lawyer back the other direction.


"Hey, guys." Skye smiles as she steps through the door, Nika, Roy, and the two dogs curled up on the couch watching a movie.

"Hi, mom!" Nika grins, "How was your little trip?"

"I'm ready for some family snuggles and time to relax." She chuckles.

"Go get in your pajamas then. Dad's not home but we can snuggle until he gets back." Nika grins.

"I think I will." Skye smiles, heading up the stairs with her overnight bag. Stripping out of the dress she'd warn all day she pulls one of Calum's hoodies down, pairing it with some leggings, pausing as she walks past Cal's side of their bed something sitting there catching her eye.

"Hey, Roy?" She calls out, her heartbeat quickening.

"Ya?" his voice calls back.

"Where's Cal?" her voice shakes slightly as she picks up the small ring she had placed on his finger only a few short months ago.

The million dollar question...

Where is Cal? And why is his wedding ring at home...

What is going on?

Update just a little early because I'm super busy tomorrow!

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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