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11 Weeks

"Cal?" Skye whispers out, rubbing her thumb against the top of his hand as he sits beside her hospital bed.

"Hey," He turns from his phone to her, smiling, but not enough to hide the worry in his big brown eyes.

"What happened?" She asks, closing her eyes as pain wraps around her head for a moment.

"You passed out and hit your head. There was so much blood..." He sighs, "I panicked and called the ambulance."

"Is the baby okay?"

"Fine. I made sure they checked on the baby. Did you eat anything today, Skye?"

"Um." She hums, trying to think back. "No. I was too sick. I didn't and then I fell asleep."

"That's why you passed out. You are already barely getting enough nutrients into your body, and then you didn't eat for twenty-four hours almost." Calum frowns, shaking his head. "We have to get better control of this, Skye. I can't watch you be this sick for another seven months."

"I'm sorry, Calum, I didn't mean to not eat. It wasn't on purpose. We can make a chart or schedule or something so we can both be sure I'm getting what I need."

"I have been talking to your doctor, he wants to keep you for a couple days, to observe everything. To see your patterns and see if he can get anything else in your medications to help."

"I have to stay here? What about Nika's birthday?"

"Mike and Crystal took her for a night out, and are spoiling her and the dogs. She's okay, she just wants to make sure mom and her baby sibling are safe."

"I hate that I ruined her birthday." Skye frowns.

"You didn't. You can't help the fact that your body is so sick from this pregnancy. And she gets that, she understands. And as long as mom and baby are good she will understand. She's got Snowflake to keep her company tonight anyway."

"Tell her I'll make it up to her? Please. I want to make it up to her."

"You can tell her in the morning, Mike's going to bring her over before school. She wants to check on you for herself."

"What time is it?" She asks, sitting herself up slightly.

"About eleven. I was going to try and sleep if you didn't wake up soon, but I also wanted to make sure you were okay too."

"I'm okay. How bad is my head? You said it was bleeding?"

"Some small stitches, they might do a concussion test now that you're awake. I think you hit it on the corner of the cabinet when you passed out."

"Sorry I freaked you out. It wasn't on purpose."

"I'm going to be a little over protective from now on." He smiles apologetically, "I'm making a mommy feeding chart to make sure you're getting fed. And then making a log of when you throw up to make sure you're not losing every single thing you are eating."

"Best baby daddy ever." She chuckles lightly squeezing his hand softly.

"I'm too in love with you and the baby to let either of you keep getting hurt."

"We love you too." She smiles, "I'm actually kind of hungry, but I'm sure my doctor has an opinion on me eating or what the right thing to have me eat is."

"I'll find the doctor and then you, me, and baby, all need to get some sleep. Okay?"

"Yeah, I want to look less bleh when Nika comes tomorrow. I don't want her to see me super sick like that again if I can avoid it." Skye nods, kissing Calum as he leans in before watching him walk out of the room.


Punk Princess and I are
stopping at your place
on our way. Anything
you need us to grab?

Phone chargers off the
nightstands, and some
more comfortable
pants for both of us?

Calum tucks the phone back into his pocket, glancing across the room to the bed, Skye sleeping peacefully still. She'd slept through the night without incident, and her body surely needed that. But he knew the real test would come today when she's eating and moving again.

Trying to stretch the stiffness out of his back and neck he rolls up to a seated position on the couch, silently hoping it's only another night or two here for his backs sake. Sliding his shoes back on, he steps across the small space into the bathroom trying not to wake Skye, she deserves to sleep as long as she can.

Half an hour later there is a quiet knock at the door, Michael having texted him again wondering about room number and such. "Hey guys." He smiles softly as he opens it, his voice still low.

"How is mom?" Nika asks, looking around him towards the bed.

"Still sleeping, but she's okay." Calum pulls her into a hug.

"Can I go over by her?" Nika asks hesitantly.

"Of course. She would love to wake up to you." Calum nods, watching Nika's face split into a grin as she puts her backpack down and carefully climbs onto the bed, snuggling into Skye's side.

"She was alright last night?" Calum turns to Michael.

"A little panicked, worrying about Skye, but she was alright. She's never a problem. We are happy to help."

"Well Skye and I appreciate it so much. This has been harder than either of us ever imagined it would be, and we wouldn't be making it through without all of you jumping in with both feet."

"It's not your fault, or Skye's, that this is happening, Cal. Remember that. And we are family, we take care of each other. We've got Nika and the dogs well taken care of until she gets to go home. Moose Moose and Snowflake are already best friends, and South and Duke are over them both. Bennett's at the house today with the dogs, amber is getting Nika from school to practice, and Roy's taking her to dinner before bringing her back to us for the night. We can rinse and repeat as long as we need to. She's our goddaughter and we promised to take care of her if for some reason you couldn't. This is one of those reasons."

"Well, I still really appreciate it, Mike. Not having to worry about Nika is a huge help to us."

"Anytime." Michael claps a hand to Calum's shoulder, both looking over to see Skye and Nika talking softly all cuddled up together.

"I'm proud of you, Cal." Michael suddenly says quietly.

"What? Why?" Calum laughs, a slight blush rising through his neck.

"You were on a very different path once in life. And then you jumped in balls to the wall to parent a two day old infant with no fucking idea what you were doing. Now look where you are, with the greatest daughter in the world, and married to a wonderful woman who's carrying your second baby. You've built yourself a beautiful life, Cal."

"Thanks, Mike. You've got a beautiful life too though, you know that. You and Crys and the amazing uncle and aunt you guys are."


Can they get Skye's sick under control?

Lots of stuff is about to happen, so hold on!

Updates are going back to every other day. I just can't keep up! But I'm also starting a new story tomorrow!!! It's called Before You, He Had Me! Look for it and add it to your libraries! I'll drop an announcement in your notifications when I post it.

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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