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I'm double posting because I finished writing this story including the epilogue and I'm in my Skylum feels right now. Read 31 if you haven't and enjoy. 😘

23 Weeks

Things had been rocky to say the least, but Calum was trying, and Skye was trying to let that be what she was focused on. He made dinners, ran carpool to and from school and practice when Skye was working or exhausted. Cleaned the house more so than his usual, and constantly reminded both Skye and Nika that he loved them. Retold Skye how therapy had gone, how he was feeling after each session, what he felt he needed and was trying to be as honest as he could with her about the way he was feeling towards himself and the demons he was fighting. Life in the house was far from perfect, but it was working well enough, it would get better, and they all knew it.

"You ready for today?" Calum turns from the drivers seat to look at Nika seated behind Skye.

"I'm excited. I feel like I've got a lot better than I was and now I get to show that in a tournament." She nods, unbuckling her seatbelt quickly.

"I'm excited to see you play again, I only got to once in the fall." Calum smiles, climbing from the car first, helping Nika grab her bag as Skye makes her way out of the car herself.

"You look beautiful today." Calum hums, wrapping an arm around Skye's waist as he hits the lock button on the key fob, the family moving towards the sports complex together.

"Baby girl is not hiding today, Just a friendly reminder." Skye chuckles, running a hand over her swollen stomach "And thanks."

"Well maybe that's not a bad thing." Calum smiles softly, "Maybe it's time I got to telling the world about our second beautiful daughter."

"So long as you don't take your focus off our first amazing, beautiful, daughter and her tournament." Skye smiles over at Nika.

"I won't don't worry. Today is about Nika Joy and her amazing volleyball skills." Calum pulls Nika into his side as they walk, glad when she doesn't pull away.


"She is really good isn't she?" Calum asks, his eyes trained on the court in front of them, his eyes following Nika as she moves around her space calling to her teammates and sharing the ball.

"She has a passion for it. Not unlike your passion for music." Skye nods, leaning her head against his shoulder softly.

"You think it's that strong?"

"At least for now. She loved learning the drums with Ash, but she gave that up without a thought after she fell in love with this game."

"I know how that is." Calum laughs softly, thinking back to how hard and easy it was to give up football for the band.

"Maybe you'll get your musician in this little one." Skye smiles, running her hand over her stomach softly.

"She gets to be whatever she wants to be, just like Nika. So long as they are happy I am happy." Calum sighs contently, wrapping his arms around his wife, hands resting over her growing bump.

"I agree." Skye nods softly, reaching for her phone as it buzzes in her pocket with a text.


My future niece seems
to be having her first
headlining gossip article.

A link following the message with an article less than an hour old.

Bump makes four?

Spotted at a volleyball tournament for his daughter, Calum Hood (5 Seconds of Summer) accompanied by his wife Skye Daniels Hood who seems to be sporting an obvious baby bump!

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