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I want to finish this book tomorrow so here's a random extra update for you all to enjoy. ❤️

36 weeks



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Liked by bdaniels, crystalleigh, and 719,742 others.
CalumHood: To my beautiful wife, you have not had an easy pregnancy, not for a single day it seems, but you have carried yourself with optimism and excitement through every moment good and bad. You glow with the light of a mother, and I cannot wait to experience this next phase of life with you.
To my baby girl, we are ready, all we are waiting on is you. Mom, sissy, and I cannot wait to shower you in all the love and adoration. You are so, so loved already little one. You are a missing piece to a family who wants you and needs you. You are going to change the world in small ways, and if you choose, big ways. I cannot wait to meet you, as soon as you are ready.

MaliKoa: You better call me the second Skye goes into labor! I cannot wait to meet my little niece.

KayKay: Her room is adorable! I haven't been by since you guys got it finished. Busy keeping up with three boys is a lot.


"Do you think my blood pressure has calmed down at all?" Skye asks, leaning against Calum's shoulder softly as they sit in the waiting room. Dr. Tanner had never been worrying in his comments, but each appointment for months it seems he had mentioned her blood pressure being low, and her pulse slightly high.

"I don't know, but I do know that we are so close to baby girl getting here that everything is going to be just fine. It's only a couple more weeks until she is due."

"Thirty-Seven weeks tomorrow." Skye nods, smiling down at her stomach.

"Everything is going to be just fine." Calum mumbles against her temple, pressing a kiss to her head softly.

"I hope so." She sighs, leaning her head against his shoulder while they wait to be called back.

"Hey, we have the bag and car seat in the car. Luke, Michael, and Roy are all on standby to grab Nika as soon as we need. Her room is waiting, her clothes washed, and her parents are ready. Don't get nervous now, now's the fun part, now is when we get to wait for every fake contraction to turn into a real one, and have the excited version of a panic attack when it finally happens."

"I know, but I just somehow feel like I'm not ready. Like I don't know how to be a mom, which is crazy. I literally have a college degree in being a mom and I've done fine with Nika so far. I've done fine with Nika, right?" She turns suddenly.

"Calm down, Skye." He laughs softly, "You have done more than fine with Nika, and you are going to be the most amazing mom in the world to Rui too."

"Sorry. I don't know why I'm so anxious suddenly."

"Pre-baby jitters." He chuckles, "It's cute."

"Don't you get them too. What would we do if we were both hysterical?"

"I'll try to keep my head on straight for you and baby girl." Calum smiles, turning when Skye's name is called. "Come on, mama, lets go check on our baby girl."

The nurse does Skye's vitals without much chatting, marking everything in the chart before sending them into a room to wait for doctor Tanner.

"I don't know if her silence was a good sign or a bad one." Skye sighs.

"She didn't seem overly alarmed. So I'm staying optimistic." Calum smiles, his eyes almost rolling at her adorable worry.

"I'm gonna stay worried, because I am hormonal as fuck and even more pregnant."

"Totally understandable." Calum chuckles.

"Knock knock! Are we ready to have a baby or what?" Dr. Tanner comes into the room smiling.

"We are ready." Skye chuckles, "I am done being pregnant."

"Well then I might have some good news for you." Dr. Tanner chuckles.

"Wait, what?" Calum turns quickly.

"You've hit the point that your blood pressure and heart rate issues are going to do more harm to both you and the baby than delivering her would. It's a little bit early we know that, but it's time. For your safety and hers."

"Wait like today?" Skye's eyes go wide.

"I'm going to send you down to labor and delivery, they will start you on some IV's, get some steroids to baby to help speed up the last of her lung function, and get the ball rolling. Baby girl is making her debut."

"How dangerous is it for her to be coming this early?" Calum asks quickly.

"You're about thirty-seven weeks which isn't that early. She may need some oxygen support and may struggle to feed for the first few days or even a week, but those are the only concerns we usually see at this point. And even those are not high risk. Everything should be just fine."

"Cal, call Luke. Make sure someone can pick up Nika from school today. She doesn't have volleyball." Skye turns to him quickly.

"Don't panic, either of you. Skye and the baby are both going to be just fine, I'm going to walk you to our elevator and send you down to meet with my favorite nurse in L&D. Kim will take such great care of you guys today, and I will be down to check progress before I leave for the afternoon."

"Thank you I guess." Calum chuckles nervously, "For being calm and knowing what the right thing to do is."

"I went through years and years of school to make sure I knew what to do in these situations. It may seem crazy and stressful to both of you, but this is simply an early surprise for me. I have full confidence that by tomorrow night you will have your little girl in your arms. Why don't you guys follow me." He moves to pull the door open, waiting for Calum to help Skye off the exam table they didn't need to use and showing them out.

"We're going to have our baby." Skye whispers to Calum, her hand squeezing his tightly for a moment.

"Everything is going to be okay." He reassures her yet again.

Baby Hood is on the way!!!

Will everything end up okay?

Vote and comment!

One more chapter and the epilogue left!!!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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