"Restraining Order"

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Fade in to Tex beating Church with his old round body. Alpha, Nevada, South, Aur'an and the reds were watching.

Church: "Ow. Ow! Ooow! Stop it! Tex, you are embarrassing me. Ow! Stop! Ah! Hey, are you gonna sit a -ah- you gonna help me or not? Stop it."

Sarge: "Naw buddy I think you got everything under control. We'll just hang back here."

Alpha: "Yeah, this is more amusing."

Nevada nudges Alpha, annoyed. Alpha loks at Nevada confused and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Alpha: "Are you alright?"

Nevada: "Nevermind."

Nevada shrugs off Alpha's hand. Alpha tries to reach out again, but South grabs his hand and shakes her head.

Alpha: (sigh)

Church: "Won't it stop!"

Grif: "You've got some catching up to do."

Church: "The whole- stop."

Sarge: "Hey, what's she beating him with?"

Simmons: "I think that was his old body."

Aur'an: "It is."

Sarge: "You mean he ain't a floatin' cue ball any more?"

Church: "Aw-"

Sarge: "That's too bad. Had a few more nicknames in my side pocket. We'll certainly miss you Lord Hackensack of the Roundalots."

Grif: "Beating him with his own body? That doesn't seem physically possible."

Alpha glances at Grif, smirking a bit. Nevada smirks as well.

Caboose: "Uh-hu- we have to do something."

F.I.L.S.S: "I am sorry, as I said, I cannot operate outside the bounds of my standard safety protocols."

Caboose: "What if I said... pretty please."

F.I.L.S.S: "Private Caboose, is there a reason why you don't want to use one of the standard safety protocols? In this scenario, I would strongly recommend locking down the armor of any rogue unit."

Caboose: "Wait you can do that?"

F.I.L.S.S: "Of course. Armor lock is a standard safety feature since the Freelancer break in."

Alpha hears that and looks up, slightly concerned.

Caboose: "Well why didn't you tell us that?"

F.I.L.S.S: "Why would I need to tell the Director that? He wrote the protocol himself."

Caboose: "Oh, right. Yes of course he did. Um Sheila, could you do the armor lunchable thing that you said?"

F.I.L.S.S: "Certainly."

A sound occurs.

F.I.L.S.S: "Now initiating standard safety protocol. Armor lockdown in progress. All units, stand by for lockdown."

Tex becomes immobilized, Alpha widened his eyes, but shakes his head.

Church: "What- what's happening? Caboose what did you do to her?"

Caboose: "Yes! Yes! I did it! I am the biggest hero ever! I beat up the girl!"

Sarge: "Hah hah, yes! See, that's how you do it Grif; face your enemy man to man. Or in your case, woefully inadequate man to woman. And then when she's distracted, use superior technology to take her out. (sniff) Reminds me of prom night."

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