chapter four

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y/n's pov

it's been a year already since the last time i went outside as soon as the midnight strikes. i do admit that it's been a rough year for me. i miss seeing him but what weirds me out is that even though i didn't dare to go out at night, i can somehow feel his presence around me. i tried to investigate but i saw nothing of him. am i just being crazy?

today, my mother requested if i could grab some of her ingredients outside. it's still noon so i didn't mind going all by own.

as soon as i stepped my feet outside, a warm breeze embraces my body. it's really hot these days, it's like summer but of course in this world, we don't have that kind of weather. i decided to pick some of the ingredients in the forest near our house and i can feel that something's burning in the back of my mind. someone's watching.

i just shrugged it off since it might be some animals guiding me. i feel calm when i'm surrounded by all the wonderful animals. it's like they're my own safety.

as i was about to leave the forest, i knew someone is standing behind me. that's when i felt my heart beat again.

it's his presence. youko kurama.

i felt him embraced me from behind as he buried his face to my neck. i could feel my body tensing up with what's happening. my heart feels like it's about to burst out of its cage.

the warmth of youko felt so nice as if it could melt my whole existence. as much as i wanted to felt safe and home, i couldn't. i am still frightened that in any minute he could kill me.

"i haven't seen you in a while." youko whispered into my heart as he slowly turned my body to face him. it still affects me just seeing him standing infront of me, looking so dangerously hot and stern.

youko brushed up my hair as if it's like his. he caressed my cheeks softly, sending a shiver down my spines. kurama seems to be examining my features and i couldn't help but to feel weak on my knees. his delicate touch never left my body and every time i felt it, i crave for more.

i felt my eyes swollen up as tears started to rim my eyes and once it felt, youko gave me a smirk.

"are you really this scared of me?" he asked and i just answered in a nod and to my surprise, he slapped me as if he used all of his force. with that slap, i fell on the ground. i could feel the stinging sensation of his slap.

i feel so weak and i couldn't use any of my powers at all. i was just there on the ground, probably have a bruise on my right cheek. so helpless as youko feel so proud of what he did.

i looked up at him, youko is still standing from his spot with a devilish smile on his face. a stupid of me still admires it and a smile formed my face too.

"i despised your weakness, y/n but i like your company. i hate to admit this but i feel like your my favorite toy to play around." youko said as he went to your spot, making you stand again.

he touched my bruised right cheek and still the feelings never washed away. i winced at his touch since i still couldn't bare the sting of his slap. youko just gave me a grin as he bent down to kissed my right cheek.

with his act, he left me again looking dumbfounded. his warmth still lingers my body and i can't help but to like his violence over me.

it may be weird but i want youko kurama to ruin me.


a/n: i'm sorry if it's a short chapter but i still hope you liked it. love y'all! 🤍

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