chapter two

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y/n's pov

as soon as i finished bathing myself, i went straight through my room but as i was about to go inside our home, i felt like someone is staring at me. i just shrugged it off. maybe, some perverts.

"can i come with you, tonight?" miyu asked me with pleading eyes.

"i won't bother you with youko kurama. i'll just wander on my own." she added. i took a deep sigh and said 'yes' to my little sister i couldn't resist her at all.

"when you got in trouble i won't be able to save you since you're going on your own way." i stated and gave her a stern eyes.

miyu just gave me a giggle, "whatever, sister."

once we're tidied up, we bid our farewell to our mother and father and told us to be careful with adventure outside since there are a lot of perverts at night. of course i wouldn't let any perverts touch neither me and my sister or else they'll be electrocuted by my lightning.

yes, we are a family with a lightning power. we inherited it from my father while we inherited the manipulation to cats from my mother.

"i'll be seeing you later, okay?" miyu said as she go on her own way and i just gave her a nod.

she can go on her own since she's already a hunderd years old. she can handle the trouble all by herself.

i found myself wandering around through the woods hoping that i could see kurama once again. it's been a while since the last time i saw him though. i miss seeing that dangerous man.

i got tired from walking so i decided to sat under the tree and just looked up on the sky. the sky is really dark as if it's going to rain really hard.

i wonder when can i see him again?

i heard a rustling sound of the grass and a strange wind around me which made flinched from my place. i gulped down from my nervousness that it could be a pervert messing up with me but also it could be my sister playing around, just pushing the negative thought about the perverts.

"miyu, stop playing around. it's not funny." i stated with a serious tone and getting ready with the lightning.

"dear, dear. i could sense you, you know. why are you wandering around at night, if you're this frightened? such a foolish demon." the man stated.

not just an ordinary man. it's youko kurama.

those words of him made me frozen on my spot and sent shiver down my spines. i couldn't seem to move my body. i became weak once again with my core being not functioning well.

kurama turned me around so i could face him. my mind is currently not processing as of the moment with what's happening. his delicate touch made my stomach twitched as if it's tying knot. he let out a chuckled, what could he be possibly do to me right now?

to my shock, he lifted up my chin so that i could face him well enough. staring at those golden orbs of his eyes made me feel a lot more weaker. even if it's pure with hatred with all the creatures that doesn't please him, it does look so beautiful that you could never get tired of staring at it.

"my, my. you got such a doll face are you?" kurama once again stated as i found myself speechless with his gentle touch. him caressing my cheeks as if it's in a loving way. butterflies seems to erupt my guts that i could feel my nervous sweat just being around him this close.

"tell me your name, doll." he said with a stern eyes and i feel like my whole body is about to burst with my heart beating so rapidly.

i gulped down my saliva once again and as i about to look down his hand aggressively hold my chin, making me to not break my gaze to him. i feel so scared and happy at the same time with him treating me like this.

"now, tell me." he smirked.

"y/n." i stuttered out and he couldn't help but to let out a chuckle and touched my hair as if he's petting me.

"i'm a little bit talkative but lend me your ears for i will say something again to clarify some things." kurama said in a serious tone once again and i just nodded in response.

"i don't want you to watch over me and most of all i don't like feeling your presence. your weakness disgust me, that's all. i don't want you to get in my way even though you can guarantee me that you won't tell anyone. this is a warning i am stating to you. if i caught you looking or watching over me," he bent over me to place his lips on my left ear which gave me a tingling feeling.

"the first thing you could wish for is a quick death of torture."

those words indeed frighten me as i felt my knees go all weak that cause me to fall on my knees. i feel like i'm running out of breath with his words.

i could feel kurama's gaze burning through me and he also went to kneel down to face me.

"understood, y/n?" he asked with his smirk not leaving his face.

"y-y-yes." is all i said to the youko.

to my surprise he grabbed the back of my head and giving me a kiss on my forehead. i felt how soft his shiny pale lips were and if only i could the tattooed that feeling of his warmth on my forehead. butterflies are still erupting and now it felt like it's about to burst out of my guts.

with that, youko kurama left me looking so flustered by his action. how can he be this dangerously gentle with his prey?

with his warning, it does scared me since i still value my alive being but with his delicate gentle touch, i just crave for him more and more. my feelings for youko kurama just grew strong as if it's inevitable.

why is he making me do all of this after giving me such treatment?


a/n: hey i just updated again because i feel like i won't be updating as much with the following week since i'll be doing some school works. anyways, i hope you still enjoy reading this chapter because it would mean a lot to me. mwa! 🤍

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