chapter twelve

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y/n's pov

there i was sitting on top of our tree and probably waiting for youko. i could feel that it's already past midnight since the birds seems to be quiet down now. i can't help but to feel worried about kurama. where could he be at this moment? he is never this late.

time flew and i could feel my saliva draining out inside my mouth. the wind is getting cooler and is somewhat so strong but i still managed to sit steadily on the branch.

tears started to rimmed around my eyes. something bad might happened to him. i could somehow sense it. if he's just playing around, i could still sense his demon energy but now i can't. how am i so stupid for realizing just now?

"hey youko" i said trying to get his gaze away from the skies.

"yes my darling?" he asked finally staring down at my boring eyes and he surrounds his arms around my waist as he combed my hair.

"what if one day you didn't show up?" i asked looking so worried and scared that he might leave me one day.

youko just gave me a half smile and he put my head on his chest where i could feel his heart beating.

"if that happens, i'll still find a way to come back for you." he explained that made me just gave him a nod.

youko kissed the top of my head, making me embraced him a little more tight.

"but where will you go then if you'll leave?" i asked once again and looking at him in his eyes again.

"human realm." he simply said and i just remained silent.

isn't human realm a hard place to go to since the spirit world put up a barrier between the world of ours and the humans?

i frankly facepalmed myself that it could be the place where he'll go to. but what happened? why didn't he tell me? why this soon when i needed to feel him the most?

tears finally streamed down my eyes, i don't want him to be away from me. i don't think i'll be able to wait for him for such a long time. not this time when i already too attached to be away from him.

to my surprise, miyu was already sitting beside me looking so worried. all i did was to hugged her and cried on her shoulders. she must've knew already. but how?

"why didn't you tell me right away, miyu?" i asked between my sobs as she continued to pat my back.

"because when he told me, i thought he would be able to escaped from it." miyu explained. i broke the hugged and just turn my gaze at her, still confused how she knew.

miyu took a deep breath, "when you got home in the morning, i came to the forest to just wander around and then he came to me. he said that he isn't sure that he'll be able to come back so soon but he promised that he'll be coming back. he also told me that he loved you so much so he's made me keep this ring to give it to you. it's more of a promise ring  that explains that you're the only woman he ever loves and he'll be coming back just for you. youko told me that this is the hardest plan he'd ever made and even no one could stop him from doing it." she explained as she handed me the ring that has a rose in-carved to it.

i slipped the ring on my finger. it looked so beautiful but it pains me that youko isn't here to admire it with me. i wanted to thanked him but why in this way? why didn't he make it? perhaps, something triggered his strength that must've made him failed.

"i feel like this is all my fault." i stated and then let out a sobbed again. if i didn't come into his life, this wouldn't happened. i must be the reason behind his failure in his plan. did i made him too soft?

"it's now entirely your fault y/n. all you ever did was to give all your care and affection to him. for sure he doesn't blame for all of this. he chooses this path remember? in fact, he'll be coming back." miyu said and she calms be down by hugging me.

i must do something. i can't just be here waiting. it's like equivalent to a painful death with all these painful feelings i'm currently in. what if he didn't come back? i can't stand now seeing him in here and i can't stand myself doing nothing.

"i will go the human realm."


a/n: i know i always say that i hope you enjoy every chapter but still i hope you do :)

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