chapter thirty five

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y/n's pov

the one week of examination in our school has finally ended. it sure was super tough but i am confident that i'll pass it and even keiko. we studied so hard this week that's why we haven't been able to hang out with yusuke that much. also, this is our last examination of junior high school that's why i studied so hard.

i feel like there's something going on with yusuke but i couldn't quite figure out it yet. throughout this week, i felt something within myself. something like i could able to teleport myself back to the demon world. it's weird since i'm not really aware that i could do it.

then, it hit me. i remembered when the gate of demon world were opened for some time and perhaps, that made me gain some sort of power.

but why?

there has to be a reason behind this.

me and keiko were now walking back to our home. i noticed that she's really quiet.

"hey, you seem a little off today." i spoke breaking the silence between us.

"oh, no. i'm just thinking about yusuke." she stated as we continued walking.

"what about him?" i asked.

"i feel like something's bugging him ever since the last fight he had." keiko stated.

i wondered what could it be but i feel like it has something to do with his new energy. i noticed his energy and i feel like something awokened within him. it's odd since that energy is just like the energy of an S-class demon. it sure gave me a creeps when i felt it and i remembered that his temporary markings on his body that day is like similar to mazaku's.

we were just a few blocks away from home when a familiar cat approached me and i already knew who it was right away. keiko noticed it too so before i could picked it up, she already did.

"this kitty must be lost. let's help this poor cat." keiko cooed as she pet the cat.

"no, it's not lost. i'd explain you later but i think that cat will explain something." i said and with that i grabbed keiko along with the cat inside our house and headed straight to our room so our parents wouldn't notice the cat that we have.

as we arrived in our room, keiko is just giving me a questioning look and why would an ordinary cat talk to us since it's just meowing.

"don't worry, we're not stealing the cat. it's my sister back home disguising as a cat." i explained and a sigh of relief escaped from her mouth.

"okay miyu, you could talk now." i demanded and to my surprise, miyu transformed into her orginal form. i didn't even knew she could do that.

"okay y/n and keiko, there's something going on in demon world and i'm afraid it could be the fight among 3 rulers. i came here to say that the each rulers are finding alliance to defend with them and to what i've heard, the people that they wanted were from this world." she explained and i swear, i could feel my sweat form on my forehead.

"but why here?" i asked.

"i have no idea and i feel like you knew those guys they wanted. also, i'm pretty sure yomi's going for kurama." miyu said and at the moment, i felt my heart dropped.

isn't kurama was the one who took away yomi's lightness? why does he want kurama to be his alliance?

"i know you still haven't found him or i actually sensed you knew him already but this also might be the chance to see and confront him." miyu added assuring me that everything will be alright.

"maybe it's also the time for you to confront shuichi, vi." keiko said.

all i ever did was to flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes to clear my mind. why does everything has to be this messed up?

i can't confront shuichi yet. not until i see him use his demon form. i know he has one and i know that there's a chance he could really be kurama. he's just trying to hide it and that's what i can sensed through him ever since we first had our moment.

i felt my phone vibrated indicating i have a text message from someone. some texts were from kuwabara saying that me and keiko should come over to yusuke's since it's a friday night and some were from kaname who's asking if i'm free tonight.

i sat up on the edge of my bed, "i still can't confront him. i needed to see something first." i stated.

"well that's the news i could bring out today from our world. i feel like you should know it since it has something to do with you finding kurama. i sensed that you have gained teleportation as well but you have to be careful with using it if you ever want to visit the demon world." miyu explained and with that she poofed in the thin air.

i covered my face as stress rushed through my body. i feel like this also has something to do with yusuke since he's been missing-in-action for the couple of days now. does this has something to do with him as well?

"do you possibly think yusuke has to do something with this too?" keiko also asked and i gave her a shrug.

"i seriously have no idea." i said and i could sense keiko's anxiousness.

"nevermind, i don't want to get myself stress out too much today. you coming later?" keiko spoke as she let out a deep sigh. i can't blame her if she worries about yusuke since she's his girlfriend.

"i'm actually thinking i would hang out with kaname first then i'll come along later." i said that made keiko give me a creepy smile.

"why are you giving me that face?" i asked as i furrowed my eyebrows at her.

she giggled, "i doubt that it's only a 'hang out'." she stated. with that i threw my stinky socks at her face that made her gasped and tackled me on my bed as she place her socks on my face but luckily i got away and entered our bathroom as i stick out my tongue at her.


time went by, i got myself dressed. just a casual look, nothing much. almost everyday, me and kaname would see each other even if later at night i would study for my exams. he's like my stress reliever after having a tough day. i like his company and i really do enjoy it.

kaname and i usually just hang out on the forest or just the nearby park and eat some street foods. he's been spoiling me with a lot of food sometimes and of course i just take that opportunity since i love food.

last time, keiko and yusuke went out on a date and of course i'm also with them. luckily, kaname texted me that time if we could hang out and i accepted it so i wouldn't be a third wheel to yusuke and keiko. gladly, they didn't mind us that much since kaname means no harm to me. but in some way, i feel like they're worried about something.

i finally made it to the park and is now waiting for kaname to come. my heart almost dropped when someone picked me up from behind and covered my eyes.

"guess who?"

"shut up i already know it's you, kaname." i said between my giggles. he brought me down and to my surprise once again, he hugged me. i could feel myself blushing with his actions.

'i swear this guy can be so sweet.' i thought.

what was i thinking again? of course as a friend! i can't get myself catching feelings again.

i gave in to his somewhat comforting warmth so i hugged him back. his hugs may be comforting but i still prefer kurama's. not only i feel warm and safe but also it felt like home.

"i missed you!" he stated and i just remained in silent. i looked up to him and gave him a smile. i guess became really close for the past few days.

as we were hugging in the middle of the park, i could sense kurama's presence around. as if he's staring at us and hatred is the only thing he feels by just looking at us. i broke the hug when i sensed him but then his presence disappeared once again. i tried to look around the park but i caught the glimpse of someone who's walking too fast that's why i didn't saw its face. i have a feeling it could be shuichi though and i just ignored it.


a/n: kinda short update for today since i needed to review for my exams tomorrow lol hope you still like this chapter mwa!

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