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Chris woke me up and I suddenly realize that I slept on his shoulder so I quickly sit up straight.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realize I'm sleeping on your shoulder. It must be uncomfortable." I bow my head down. This is so embarassing.

"Nah, it's not uncomfortable besides I also slept on your head. I guess it's fair, right?"-Chris. His dimple is showing. How can a guy like him be so cute at the same time hot. Okay I need to stop.

"Yeah, I guess so." we both then chuckled.

We still have 13 hours before we arrive in Korea.We watch some movies, eat lunch and talk about our lives.

"So Y/n can I get your number? Let's be friends."-Chris

"Here" I gave him my phone then he type my number to his phone. He then put 'Baby Y/n' as my name. Oh no I'm blushing. Why would he put baby in my contact name? okay calm down Y/n, It's just a name.

"Why would you put baby in my contact name?" okay I can't stop myself from asking.

"Why? Did it made you blush?" He then chuckle.

"No. Why would I?" Crap. I'm obviously blushing now.

"I'm just joking haha. Cause you're like a baby. That's why."-Chris. I just ignored him and go back to sleep.

I had so much fun in the plane thanks to Chris. After 10 minutes we will arrived at Gimpo Airport.

"Where are you staying Y/n?"-Chris.

"I don't exactly know. But someone will accompany me." I then started to arranged my things.

I can't believe I'm back in Korea by myself.

"So I guess this is a goodbye for now Y/n." Chris waved at me and went to a different direction.

*kring kring*

"Y/n-ah, Can you see me?" A familiar voice occured in my phone.

I roam around to see him.

"Yes. I see you." A wide smile form in my face. I missed him so much.

"Oppa!" I ran to him and hugged him.

"Wah Y/n-ah. I missed you." he then hug me back making the people around us to stare.

"I missed you too, oppa." I then let go of him.

"Let's go?" he then carry my luggage for me and put it inside of his car. We then went inside his car.

"Do you wanna eat?" I'm waiting for him to say that.

"Is their any restaurants here that are open?" I ask him 'cause it's 12 in the morning.

"Ofcourse, there's a good restaurant near your apartment."-Jinyoung.

Jinyoung oppa's dad and my dad are bestfriends. He treated me like his younger sister. And now even though he have a busy schedule because he is an idol he still pick me up and drove for me. I also wanted to become an idol like him. I love dancing and rapping so much.

"Y/n-ah we're here." Jinyoung oppa woke me up from a good sleep.

I then ready myself to go out cause I look like a crap earlier.

We ate and talk about our life and stuff then Jinyoung oppa drove me to my apartment that is nearby the restaurant we went.

"Here is your card just go to APRT 187. I have some work to do. I'll be back, Rest well first.Okay?" I don't know if he's my friend or dad.

"Ne, abeoji." I laugh then wave to him and he started to drive his car.

A man with a uniform approach me.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Are you Y/n?" I nodded and he help me carry my luggage. We then went inside to the Apartment and some staffs greeted me. Me and Mr. Luggage man went to the elevator and he press 8th floor.

"Here we are maam Y/n. Your luggages arrive earlier so we just put it inside your Apartment. Have a good day!" How nice he is.

I went inside and a wide living room showed up. When you entered, the kitchen is in the right side with a table that is good for 4 people. And in the left side there is a 2 door; the first door is the Bathroom for guests and the other room I assume is a study room because of the bookshelf, study lamp and a table with a chair. Then in the other side near the kitchen there are 2 doors. In the right side is my wide room with a bathroom on it and a walk in closet. In the left side nearest the kitchen is an empty room. I already like it here.

I don't wanna sleep. I wanna move my things immediately 'cause I got excited in my apartment.

While I'm arranging my things my phone vibrated.

Unknown Number
Hey Y/n! It's Chris. Save my number :))

                                          Oh hi Chris!

Okay I will.

Good. So what's up?

I'm arranging my things. I just arrived in my apartment. How 'bout you?

Same here. Do you
want some helping hand?

It'll be nice but your busy

Well if we had a bet you just lose.

Haha okay then.
                      (Your choosen address).
Room 187.

*knock knock*

I went to the door and open it.

"Chris? Why so fast?" Does he has a superpower that can travel in just a second? He's hella fast.

"Y/n. You would'nt believe this." Wait am I right that he has superpower?

"We're neighbours!" Oh I thought he has— wait what?! we're neighbours?

Hello Stays/Readers! I'm sorry if it's kinda lame or boring. Also Stream 'Back Door' by Straykids.

Be ready for the next chapter ;)

If you have Suggestions/Questions just leave it in the comment. Enjoy~

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