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Y/n's POV

"So you're saying that I'm neighbour with idols?! Do you mean you guys are also part of the group Stray Kids?!"

I'm currently in the sofa at Chris's apartment and I'm surrounded by the guys. This is insane! They're all idols?! that's why they have to put masks whenever they go out. And I was fooled for believing they're all sick? What the hell!

"Calm down Y/n. Don't you like to have a hot idols around you?" as always Han being his self again.

"You shut up! You guys didn't know what I've been through without you all." Shit, I shouldn't have said that, it'll just make them curious what happened to me.

"What happened Y/n?" I.n face me with a pout. This guy is so cute it makes me forgot what happened to me.

"So uhmm, I've got an part time job in Smile Café and it was my first day but then I got sick and collapsed in the café. I then woke up and realised that I'm in my boss office and he," should I continue? should I? arghh! okay fine I'll them.

"don't tell me he harassed you." Lino make everyone's attention focus to me.

I just nodded and they all went "what?!". I'm really regretting saying this to them.

"Why didn't you tell us Y/n?!" uhm did this squirrel forgot that they all avoided me?

"Yah pabo, you know we can't talk to her that time." Hyunjin hit Han in the head. I still can't believe they're all idols.

"I've moved on to it guys, and I'm glad that we can hang out again." The others are still angry and annoyed and... I really don't know what is/are their reaction.

"Where is it?" Chris ask in a serious tone. Shit, he's obviously angry right now.

"Chris it's okay now please come down." I haven't seen him this angry and the guys all went in a silent.

"Just tell me where is it Y/n." Oh my god, he's really angry right now. I shouldn't have told them. Damn it!

"Hyung don't make a scene, our manager will—" Felix got cut off when Chris shouted.

"Shut up Felix! Now tell me where is it Y/n?!" I don't know but I feel like crying. This is me, if someone just shouting at me, I cry.

I really can't help myself but cry. You're so freaking dramatic Y/n! stop it! But I can't, I really can't stop crying knowing that Chris is worried at me. But I'm fine now, why is he like that?

He let out a frustrated sigh and sat down.

"Guys let's go to the grocery, Y/n please stay for dinner okay? See you two later." Leeknow stand up and the others followed him.

They all went out now. It's me and Chris now. And I'm still freaking crying!

"I'm sorry Y/n." his husky aussie accent is drowning me. How couldn't I forget this man?

"Please don't, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you guys in trouble. I should've know that you'll are idol so that I can distance myself with y'all." Why am I crying? Stop crying like a baby Y/n! You're so emabarassing right now. But everything I just said is right. I should have know.

"That's why we didn't tell you cause you'll avoid us Y/n and we don't want it to happen. Please stay, everything is back to normal now. Please, please stay with us, stay with me." I hugged him. Him saying that he want me to stay is so touching. No one ever told me that.

"I will stay Chris, I promise," I then face him.

"But please don't make a scene to the boss in the Smile Café. It'll make you in trouble you know that." he fakely smile and nodded.

"How is it Y/n?" This is the first time I've tried Leeknow's cook and I must say it's so good!

"This is so good oppa!" The other guys agreed. But this is so awkward cause while I'm eating they keep on staring at me like really watching me eating. What the hell this is so awkward.

"Uhm guys why are you looking at me like that? Is there something in my face?" I can't eat my food comfortable cause they keep on watching me!

"You look so cute when eating Y/n." Lino said that made me choke my food. What the hell was that?

"Yah, hyung you made her choke!" Changbin hit Lino and Felix get me some water. What is wrong with this people?

"Hyung," ohhh, is Han gonna scold Lino for making me choke?

"stop saying obvious things." c'mon, really mr. squirrel? He's really unpredictable.

"Hey guys stop it," Seungmin interrupted. You're my saviour Seungmin!

"someone is so jealous right now so better stop before he attack us with a knife." They all then stared at Chris who is obviously not in the mood.

"What? I'm not jealous. Why would I?" His reaction is so cute right now. I'm not assuming or anything but Seungmin is maybe right, he's jealous.

"Guys stop, Channie hyung is not jealous, his ears are so red so he's not jealous." Han is right, his ears are so red. Ohmy it's so cute. We then stared for a while when Hyunjin cleared his throat and we all look at him.

"Guys we need to practice for the concert. Oh and Channie hyung aren't you gonna head to the studio tonight?" Hyunjin said.

"Yes, I have to make a new song for our album. I'll finish writing some lyrics. 3racha are you in?" Changbin and Han stared at each other like they're talking in their heads.

"Hyung we'll just go tomorrow at the studio we have stuff to do. You can ask Y/n if she can accompany you, I heard that Y/n is so good at singing." Han said.
Uhm what the hell? why me?

"Excuse me mr. squirrel but who told you I'm good at singing? no one heard me sing except for my self of course." The other guys are so funny cause when I speak there head is in me and when Chris speak for example, there head again turn to his. They look so cute haha.

" Gotcha! I just made that up, I want you to tell us that you can sing and I did it. Are you guys proud of me?" the other guys nodded.

"So Y/n can you come with me later?" ahhh, his voice is literally so soft.

"Sure." I shortly replied and then he widely smile causing his dimples to show. How I miss it.

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