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Y/n's POV
"Me and Chan are cousin." they are what?! Holy Freak!

"You're kidding right? Tell me it's just a joke." It's not a funny joke I swear!

"I'm sorry Y/n." No freaking way! This dude and my ex are cousin? Wait wtf? did I call Chris my ex even though we ildidn't broke up but I must considered it right?

"How? I mean why? No, no I mean why didn't you tell me?" This is a small world afterall.

"I told you I was going to tell you but you got drank." Opss I forgot.

"I still can't believe it. I mean you both are not look alike." I really don't see anything that they have in common.

"I said we're cousins not brothers. Are you still drunk Y/n?" Ohhh, but why do I care? I'm not a part of his life now and so do I, maybe.

"By the way, what happened last night?" I forgot some happenings yesterday.

"Chan called me, then begged me to tell where we was and I told him. And then when you collapsed, oh I mean when you fall asleep in the center of the dance floor, I was shock when Chan punch the guy that was near you because he thought that, that guy gave you some drug that could make you faint, but it turns out that you were just too drunk. And he's in trouble now because someone took a video of what happened and it is all over the social media now." So he's saying Chris is in trouble because of me again? Shit, What should I do? Wait no! suits him for playing my feelings. Arghh! But I feel so guilty! I shouldn't care because he doesn't care about me anymore. But why did he went there?

"Hey Y/n! You still there?" I was snapped to reality.

"Tell me, does he love me Tristan?" The smile of him change into a sad smile.

"If he loves you why did he broke your heart?" He's right. He just went there because he was concerned so that I would forgive him, well sorry not sorry I will never forgive him!

Two weeks has past and nothing has changed. I am now staying at Tristan's place, I just sneak out last last week in our apartment to get all of my stuffs. Tristan and I often hang out for me to forget what happened to us and I can't but I will try to forget him and get rid of my feelings towards him cause I bet his happy for he and Maya can date freely.

"Y/n" Tristan called me cause the class just ended.

I look back and saw Hyunjin, I always forgot we're classmates. We don't talk anymore. I think they knew that Maya and Chris are dating but they still shut their mouth and I felt that I was betrayed.

"Hey are you okay?" I look at Tristan who's ready to go but then Molly walk by.
Me and Molly doesn't also talk since the day I left her in the park. I tried to talk to her saying that I'm sorry that I left her but she doesn't talk back nor reply to my texts and calls. There is something that made her to not talk to me, I can feel it.

I was shock when she called my name.

"Y/n can I talk for you for a sec? It's about our group project." I look at Tristan and he just nodded and went out first. So me and Molly alone, kinda awkward.

"What is it?" She then hugged me, really tight.

"I'm so so sorry Y/n." It made me shed tears. I really miss her so much.

"It's okay Molly, I understand." I spoke in english because she's an Australian and she is still learning Korean. I'm glad that we're now okay.

"No Y/n you don't understand. I betrayed you." She betrayed me? How? I let go of the hug and look at her tearful eyes.

"What do you mean you betrayed me?" I'm not having a good feeling about this. Just hearing the word betrayed is enough for me to feel angry.

"Maya planned out everything and we were together. I really like her to be my friend so she said if I make you my fake friend, I will be officially her best friend and so I did it, I made you my friend. Remember the time when someone called me and that made me feel so uneasy that was Maya. She was the one who told me that I should bring you at the park. I swear Y/n that time I don't know what's her plan." I don't think I can continue hearing all of these things.

"She black mailed Chan saying if he wouldn't be her boyfriend, she will make your life miserable than hell. She said that if he wouldn't follow it, she will tell her parents that you wouldn't go to college. So Chan couldn't do anything and just agreed on what she said. And the worst is" oh please stop, I really can't take this anymore.

"Tristan was with her too." No, no she's just lying.

I slap her in the face and start crying.

"You're just lying so that I can forgive you but sorry I will never!" I walk out left her alone and crying.

"Hey Y/n you okay?" I wiped my tears and nodded.Tristan didn't ask furthermore and we walk to the parking lot.

"So tell me what really happened. Why did you cry?" Tristan said while getting a glass of water.

"Tristan please tell me the truth." I can't help but to cry again.

"What truth?" He went to me and sat to the sofa facing me.

"Cut the acting now! Tell me the truth! About the plan, about Maya's plan." I don't really care if my voice cracked.

"Y/n please let me explain first." So it's true? They betrayed me?

I slap him as hard as I can. How dare he act so innocent.

"Y/n I like you! I just did those things because I really really like you!" He like me?

"Tristan, You know I only love Chris! I love you as my friend and I trusted you! I thought your my friend Tristan!" His tears are dropping now.

"But I can't just accept the fact that you like me as a friend Y/n. I love you and I want you to be mine." No this can't be happening.

I was about to go to my so called room when he grab me and kiss me. I can't let go because his hands are holding mine. I cried so much hoping that I can let go.

I was then shock when someone punch him. It was Chris. He is still punching Tristan until his nose bled.

"Chris please stop." I cried trying to stop him.

"I trusted you!" Chris shouted to Tristan.

Tristan manage to stand up and punched Chris in the face.

"Just stop! Both of you! You both are just the same." I ran outside while Chris is calling me.

He grabbed me and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I'm sorry." Is he crying right now?!

"Let me go!" I tried to let go but again, I'm just too weak.

"I love you Y/n, I really do. Please let me explain." I let him explain and Molly is saying the truth, it was all planned out.

"How could you be like that Chris? You could just tell, I'm not afraid of her, I'm more afraid to lose you." He just look down and his tears are again falling. Seeing him crying is making my heart ache.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I'm really afraid that you can't go to college and will make your life a mess." I make him face me.

"My life was a mess when you're not around Chris. I love you." He smiled and hugged me.

"I love you so much. But what are we going to do with Maya? She'll find this out soon." I don't care if she finds out but I need to tell mom.

I borrowed Chris phone and dialled my mom's number.

"Hello? Who's this?" My mom said.

"Mom it's me." I explained everything to her and it made her cry.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I shouldn't have sent her there. Don't worry I'll pick her up there." Me and my mom talked for a bit and decided to end the call.

"I hope it's all good now." Chris said.

"I hope so" I really hope.

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