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Y/n's POV

"I'm referring to Y/n. The girl I'm damn inlove with."-Chris.

He's inlove with who?! If I heard it right he said he's inlove with me? But wait, Maybe I'm not the only Y/n he only know. Arghh, I don't know what to think!

"I'm referring to you Y/n. I love you. Not just a friendly love but I really love you." I'm out of words, he also love me? I really thought all of this time he doesn't feel the same thing, but I'm wrong. He also love me.

"Why do you love me Chris? I don't see anything interesting about me, about my damn messy life! Why would you love a girl like me?" I don't know why I said that but I didn't regret it.

"It's because you're Y/n. But honestly, I don't even know. When we first met, I was really attracted by your smile and that time, I really wanted to be friends with you. When I saw you with that guy Tristan and he's holding your hand, I want to punch him in the face and told him that you're only mine. That time I thought to myself that I need to confess to you soon before it's too late. And now is the right time. I really love you Y/n, I really do." He's smiling genuinely to me. I'm really happy now. I should also tell him that I love him but the call interrupted our drama.

I looked at the caller id and it's mom.

"Sorry Chris but I need to take this." he just nodded and I answered it.

"Hey sissy! I have a surprise for you." just hearing her voice makes me wanna punch someone. This day should be a happy one but guess what? Maya is here to ruin it again.

"What do you want? Where is mom?" I stand up and signalled Chris that I'll just go somewhere he can't hear me and he just nodded.

"Mom is not here. C'mon sis, don't you miss—" -Maya

"Just get to the point unnie. What do you want?" she just then giggled. She's really trying my temper now.

"Alright then, you're too excited for my surprise." How to punch someone through phone?

"Just get into it already. You're just wasting my time." She then fakely laugh. She's really good at acting.

"Mom sent something to you in your apartment, go check it out. Bye!" and with that, she ended the phone call. Sent something? is it a jar full of cockroaches? or a picture of Maya? If I have to choose between them, I'll choose the jar full of cockroaches. Her face is more disgusting anyway.

I went back to our sits but Chris is nowhere to be found. Oh wait, he texted me.

Sorry if left you Y/n. Our manager just called me. Let's just move our date to dinner. I'll pick u at 5pm. See u<33

He's just so damn sweet. I guess we really should move our date. It's 9:30am so I went to buy some stuffs and foods and went back to my apartment. My part time job will be at 8pm so I don't really have to worry.

I'm now at my apartment but no one delivered something here. Did I just got fooled?

I didn't mind it and just sleep. I'm so tired from running.

I woke up when my phone rings. Arghh, I still wanna sleep. I looked at the caller id and saw it was Tristan? How did he know my phone number?!

I answered it immediately.

"How did you know my phone number? You're so creepy, are you stalking me?!" He just laugh!

"Then how did you know I called?" It's because the caller id named— Why is his name here?! How the freak did this happen? I didn't remember getting his number.

"When we were watching the movie, I secretly took your phone and I'm too smart to know your passcode. Sorry not sorry tho." He then continuously laugh. What the hell?!

"You're invading my privacy! You'll pay for this, but lets talk about that later. Why did you call?" he then laugh again? Was that funny?!

"Why are you laughing so hard? Was that even funny?" Now he just chuckled.

"You're cute when getting angry." So did he call to make me angry? What the heck is with this guy?

"Get to the point!" he cleared his throat and talked.

"I uhmm just bored that is why I called." Doesn't he have friends?

"I was in the middle of my sleep!" I'm still sleepy!

"It's 3 in the afternoon and you're still sleeping? You're an unhealthy child." It's what?! It's 3pm? Shit I need to get ready for our date!

"Shit Tristan, sorry I need to go. You can meet me in a kpop café near our school. I'm working there. See you at 8 bye!" I then ended the call.

I ran to the bathroom and took a bath. I still have 2 hours but I need to get ready so that he'll not keep waiting.

When I finished taking a bath I blow dried my hair and curl it a bit. I applied a little make up and chose a dress. I wore the dress I wore when we were about to go in a dinner date also so now it's the right time.

I was about to go out when someone unexpected come in my apartment.

"Surprise! Hey sis, missed me?" Why the hell is my step sister here?! I'm not having a good feeling about this.


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