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"I love you." -Chris.

Butterflies are all over my stomach. I'm slowly falling for him, damn it.

"O-oh okay." I turn my focus to the movie we're watching but those words still bothering me. I hate this feeling.

"Y/n-ah," Leeknow whispered in my right ear.

"Oh?" I replied, not making an eye contact with him because I'm focusing in the movie.

"I'm a gay."

"Oh you're a gay? wait you're what?!" I didn't realize I shouted those words. I'm still shock.

"What?! Leeknow hyung is a gay? So that's why you're flirting with Han hyung huh?" I.n said.Omg I respect lgbt and I'll support Leeknow oppa but I'm still in shock.

"Yah! Leeknow hyung you like me?" Han said while putting his hands in his chest and acting like his shock but obviously he's not. What the hell is going on? Is there really going on between them?

"What are you guys talking about?! I didn't tell her that I'm gay, I said I want some grapes cause she's near it." Leeknow oppa said while in a crossed arms and in a poker face. Scary.

They all laughed except me. I'm so ashamed from what I did. My head is really floating right now. Wake up Y/n!

"Lino oppa, sorry." I'm really embarassed now. Maybe he's angry for what I did.

"Nah, It's okay. But I notice that you're not in yourself earlier. Are you okay?" Oh crap, Am I that obvious, It's all Chris fault.

"Uhm, no! not at all. I'm just a little tired, I guess." he slowly nodded and began to eat some grapes.

To escape the embarassment, I tell them that I'm going to use the toilet. When I was about to enter the toilet, I saw an open door. From afar, I saw so many books in this area and one thing caught my attention. My name is written on a paper with a drawing of—me?!

I was about to enter when;

"Y/n-ah just go straight and you can see the toilet." Chris shouted so I just went straight to the bathroom and just forgot about the picture thingy. Maybe we just look alike and had the same name? argh I don't know, I'll just forgot about it.

After I finish my thing in the toilet, I went out and asked them if I could went home cause I'm really tired now and beside it's like 2 am in the morning.

"Okay then, I'll take you home." Hyunjin said and is about to stand up when Chris stop him and said that he'll take me home. But I.n didn't agree so he insist them that he'll be the one that want to take me home. He even do a baby sad face. But the other guys still don't want to. Wth? My house is like 15-20 steps from their house and I have my own feet.But suddenly Seungmin stand up and;

"Shut up guys, Y/n is hella tired. Lets go Y/n. " he hold my hand and he's dragging me outside so I just waved my hands to the others and smile. They did the same.

When we are about to go out of their apartment, he started to ask me something.

"Y/n, if you had to chose between someone you love and someone that loves you who would you choose to come back" He's really serious while saying those words. I felt his emotions that he doesn't want to show to the others— he's really sad.

"For me, currently I would not pick either of the two. I would just let time work its magic. Cause for example, I loved someone but he/she doesn't loved me back then that would really hurt and if someone loved me but I don't feel the same way then that'll also hurt but if you let time—" I was about to finish what I wanna said when he interupted me.

"But what if you're running out of time? What if the one you loved has found the one she really loved and the one that loved you was tired of waiting and loving you so she also left." he look down. He's really look so sad.

"Are you okay Seungmin oppa?" he didn't response.

"Actually, I'm not." I wish I can comfort him.

"My favorite puppy left me and chooses my sister over me then the puppy that I didn't really like also left me but I know she love me so much but I still choose to ignore her and played with my fave one. What should I do Y/n?" okay so all of this drama is all about the puppies? Wth Kim Seungmin.

"You know what just forgot about it for now and just sleep. Cause I'm so sleepy right now." he chuckled and wave at me and went inside their apartment. I also entered and breath heavenly.

When I entered my room, I went straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I'm really sleepy now.

I have this feeling that I left something. I think for about a minute when I remembered it. My cellphone! I left it in their apartment. I need to get it.

I run outside of my room when I was about to open the door. Chris is infront of it. Why the hell is he here?! He scared me to death.

"Chris why the hell are you here?!" he also got shock just a little not like me cause I got scared easily.

"Woa calm down tiger, I just want to gave back your phone. Here." he then gave my cellphone. I realise that I was a little rude about shouting to him earlier.

"Sorry Chris, I got scared easily. Thank you for bringing it back." he then smile.

"Nah issokay, btw can I come in? I have something to talk to."-Chris. I nodded and widely open the door so that he can enter.

"Oh sure, please come in." he then went in and I close the door. He sits in the sofa facing the tv. I then went to him.

"So what's up?" I ask while opening my phone.

"I pick up your mom's call earlier." What?!

"What?! What did you say then?" Shit. I know my mom, if he saw a guy with me he'll find a solution that we'll be ending up together. But that didn't happen to me. I won't let her.

"I said, I'm your boyfriend." He what?! oh crap, this is bad.

"Why would you tell her your my boyfriend?" I'm so nervous right now.

"Cause she said if I didn't tell her that I'm your boyfriend he'll track down my address and personal informations." Why would my mom do that?! What the hell is happening?

"I know that she has a lot of connections and friends that know those things but I can't let her do what she want. Don't worry I'll—" I didn't finish saying what I want to again, when he interupted and start talking.

"Actually, I like your mom's idea. Be my girlfriend then even if it's not real." -Chris.

Hey Stays/Readers! Another lame update for ya'll haha. This ain't the best but I'm just making it for fun for my two bestfriends who's always supporting me. Thank you guys!

Please always remember to keep safe.

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