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Y/n's POV

I woke up early and again my eyes are puffy and red! I get ready to have a sad day again. And what's make it worst is when I received a call earlier from my dad.

He said that he'll be cutting my allowance because we need to save money for Maya's hospital. This make me so angry knowing that they're millionaires and telling me this is an obvious lie. Seriously? for Maya's hospital?! he got paid millions a month and he'll tell me this? and guess what? my mom even agreed to it.

I'm so frustrated, all I wanna do now is sleep or get drunk but I don't wanna ruin my life because of this.

I know I'm not that strong but I'll try!

I have so much time before our class starts so I roam around the street to find a part time job.

I told my dad that I don't need his money and I can make my own. And he agreed, yes he agreed! but one thing is that he'll gave me money for the apartment, no more, no less.

For my second interview in a cafe called Smile Cafe, I got accepted. I'll come back here at 4pm-11pm so I agreed. And good thing is it's near my apartment so I don't have to worry.

I headed to the school and I'm 5 minutes late but the teacher is nice so she just smiled at me and said 'it's okay' and continue her discussion.

[Time Skips]

I went back to the apartment first to get ready. And it still hurts that Hyunjin and the other guys treated me like a stranger. But if my fate is having no friends then I'll just accept it.

The first day at my part time job is good. My boss is nice to me but it's quite intimidating when he touches me. But maybe I'm just thinking it that way.

I'm now walking home while listening to the music. And then it started to rain, while I'm running I bumped into someone and it maked my heart fall.

It's Chris. He look so stress out. He's so pale and his lips are so dry. What happened to him? I wanna ask him that but instead I stand up and just cross him like what they're doing to me.

My eyes then become blurry and watery but it's not obvious thanks to the rain.

"Y/n." I heard him called me. I-is he crying?

I didn't looked back and started to run inside the apartment.

Damn these tears! They wouldn't stop! I'm now in my apartment when my legs gave up.

Why are you crying like this Y/n? Why are you hurt so bad?

I went inside the bathroom and take a bath. I thought after I take a bath, I'll feel good but no, I'm wrong. My head and nose started to hurt so bad and I feel like I'm burning. Do I have a fever? Shit, wrong timing!

I ate the leftover food in the fridge and go straight to sleep. I hope tomorrow my fever will be gone.


Ahhhhh! My head hurts so bad! Am I in hell now? But I'm too good to be putted in hell. I really needed my mom now!

I forced my self to get up and get ready for school. I'll be alright any moment.

I just arrived in school and I'm not feeling that well. I tried to focus to the teacher's discussion but it make my headache worst.

It's now afternoon and I'm heading to my part time job. I only got paid just a right amount for my needs.

"Miss can you get us a water please?" I went to the mini kitchen and get some water.

When I'm heading to the costumer, my sight blurred out. I then collapsed.

Aww, I rubbed my eyes to see if where am I. I'm in my boss office. He is standing  looking at me sharply. I'm not having a good feeling.

"Uhm Sir what happened?" he stand up and went to the door and locked it up. What is he doing? This is not good I know. If only I'm not weak right now, I can stand up and run.

"Y/n you're a beautiful girl" he said while touching my burning cheeks down to my lips. Shit.

"Sir this is not right." I trying to stop him coming near to me. I shouted but no one was there to help me so I kicked his private area and run to the door and went outside even though it's raining.

I ran and ran until I'm near my apartment. But my legs gave up. I can't help but to cry. Why are they doing this to me?

"Y/n!" all I heard is Chris voice when I then collapsed.

I open my eyes and saw Chris holding my hand while sleeping. Is this real now?

"Hyung, Y/n is awake!" I saw I.n waking up Chris. Shit my head hurts so bad. Wait? Am I in their apartment?

"Y/n are you okay?" I looked at Chris with a teary eyes. No no nooo, not again! don't cry! But I failed, I look like an idiot crying to these guys.

"Why are you guys avoiding me?" they all look down.

"If you all won't tell me then it's alright. Well who am I to be your friend right? I'm just this girl with a messy life." I then sat down and faced Chris. He can't look at me and it hurts again.

"I should go now. Thank you for saving me in the rain." I slowly stand up. I forced my self to walk even though my sight is blurry.

"Y/n please stay for a moment. You can't stand up!" I heard Chris shouted but I ignored him. If I'll stay, they wouldn't even talk to me so what's the purpose of staying?

I'm heading to the door when Chris grab my hand. I felt his hand with mine again.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, this is for our own good." For my own good? Is having no friends good for me?

"Well maybe your right there, having those guys as my friends are wrong. And also you Chris, having you is wrong." I then make my hand let go of his and walk to my apartment.

You did the right thing Y/n. Did you really did the right thing?

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