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Y/n's POV

I'm walking to the mall today and I'm hella tired cause I can't sleep last night thinking who the hell Chris is referring to. I really think he's referring to his self but of course I want to know the truth. I want to text him but my hands can't. I'll just ask him later when we meet.

Wahhh! I just pass by to the cinema but omg, Conjuring 2 is now showing! I want to watch this, but by my self? uhm, no way.

"Y/n!" Someone called me, omg who the hell called me? Am I being paranoid?

Someone grab my shoulder causing me to flinch. I was about to punch him but I realise it's our class president, Tristan Cy. Shit I almost punch him in the face.

"Woa easy, it's just me Y/n. Calm down." he chuckled and me? I feel like my soul just exits my body.

"Don't scare me!" I then hit him in the shoulder. He then groan in pain but still laughing. What's wrong with this man. But shit, his laugh is jaw dropping, why? cause after he laugh he always bite his lips. Those freaking pinkish lips. Hey wtf Y/n?

"Hey, are you okay?" I got snapped to reality when he placed his arm around my shoulder. I love his scent, it's so manly.

"What ever!" I was about to walk out when he grab me.

"Let's watch a cinema, my treat." Can't say no if it's a treat.

He bought two tickets and when we were about to enter when someone called me again.

"Y/n!" It's Chris! I'm not sure but I know his voice, it must be him. I roam my eyes to find him and I'm right it's Chris. What is he doing here?  I thought they need to practice?

Bangchan's POV

"Hey guys, do you all know Tristan Cy?" Hyunjin asked and of course no one is interested.

"Yah! I'm asking. Okay then, ya'll don't care? Fine, he's just with Y/n." He's with who?! And he's a he? Don't over react Chan, he's maybe a friend. Just a friend, maybe. Argh I need to go.

"Let me see hyung." I.n and the others went to Hyunjin. I also did the same thing. I saw that Tristan pictured Y/n without knowing and they're sitting near the Cinema.

I need to go!

"Hyung where are you going? We still have a practice." I ran out the company and grab a taxi.
Y/n's POV

"Chris? What are you doing here?" He look at my hands that is holding to Tristan. Oh shit, maybe he'll think that there's something going on between us so I quickly remove it.

"I was going to buy some stuff." okay? why is he being serious right now?

"Where are you going and who is that?" -Chris

"Hi I'm Tristan, Y/n's friend." Tristan offered his hand but Chris just ignored it. What's with him today?

"Where are you both going?" he then look at me.

"We're going to watch a movie." I was about to answer him when Tristan spoke.

"What movie?" Why is he so serious?!

"A horror movie. We gotta go, nice meeting you." And again, I was going to said that. Tristan then pulled me to enter the cinema but the in my right hand, Chris pulled me causing us to stop. What is wrong with this two?

"I'm coming, wait for me Y/n." I confusedly nodded. I really don't know what's going on now.

"That man is so easy to get jealous." Tristan then laugh. Chris is jealous? For what reason? Is it because I'm hanging out with Tristan? well that isn't an enough reason for me.

"Let's go now." Chris then hold my hand and pulled me inside. He's so weird right now.

"Ahhh! eomma." -Chris


So I'm in the center between them; Chris in my right side and Tristan in the left side. How can I focus on the movie when they both are shouting while hiding in my back.

The others that are watching are staring at us when they both shouted. This is so embarassing.

The movie ended a while ago and we're now here in café near the cinema station. I'm still laughing inside because of their reactions earlier.

We're in an awkward silence when Tristan started to speak.

"Y/n, sorry but I need to go. I have some errands to do. See you!" I waved at him and he look at Chris who doesn't care what he's saying and he laugh.

"So why are you really here Chris?" I face him who is still having a bad mood.

"I told you, I need to buy some stuffs." He's just so cute right now and he's obviously lying because his ears are so red now!

"Okay." I can't help but to smile. He's so damn cute even with mask and bucket hat on.

"Is that Bangchan from Stray Kids?"

"Him? No I don't think so. Why would he hang out with a girl?"

"Yea, you're right but we should check it atleast."

Oh shit we need to go. Before I react he pulled my hands and we were running outside the mall.

"Can we stop now?" we then stopped when we arrived at a gigantic park. I'm so out of breath now but did he really run cause he's acting so normal.

"Are you okay?" I nodded and I'm still catching my breath.

"Wait, I'll get some water." I grab his hand to make him stop.

"I'm okay, sit down. I need to ask you something." he then followed what I said.

"What is it?" his eyes are sparkling now.

"Who is the name of the friend you're referring to?" A confuse reaction is drawn to his face.

"What do you mean Y/n?" Arghh! His aussie voice is so damn attractive!

"The friend you're talking about in your vlive yesterday." He got shock because of what I said.

"You watched my vlive?!" He is still shock, gosh so cute.

"Obviously." I giggled.

"I'm referring to myself." Now, I'm the shock one.

"Then who is the girl? I'm just asking cause curious okay? I'm not saying anything that, that girl is me. Ofcourse I'm not assu—" I got cut off. Why is my heart beating so fast?

"I'm referring to Y/n. The girl I'm damn inlove with."-Chris.
Hey readers! I'm sorry for the errors y'all encountered and will encounter in this story. I'll be editing it out if I've completed it.

A little spoil, this book is going to end soon so stay tune for an unexpected plot twist.

And also if you guys are a big fan of Treasure, go check out my friend's awesome story! Han_is_Squirrel .


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