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Y/n's POV

"Surprise! Hey sis, missed me?" Why the hell is my step sister here?! I'm not having a good feeling about this.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I didn't expect this at all.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" she pouted while entering the house. Seriously? she's trespassing!

"Oh and also, I'll be also living here for about hmmm, 1 week? wait no, 1 week is not enough. Maybe a month? It depends." she smiled in an annoying manner.

"Get to the point already. Why are you here?" I need to calm down or else I'll pull her hair and throw her out of my apartment.

"Why? I also owned this, don't you know?" She went to the kitchen and open the fridge. She then get some bottled water.

"What are you talking about? This is my—"

"Oh sweetie, I told mom and dad to owned this apartment, well you still have a little share of it cause you'll be the one in-charged of cleaning, washing all the other stuffs. And oh before I forget, can you get all your stuff in that bedroom. It's mine." I really can't believe this. Why is she like this to me?

I went to my bedroom and get all of my stuffs, well not all it's so many. I just get the things I needed the most and went to my study area. There is a small couch in there, I'll just sleep there.

I really can't bare this, I want to go somewhere where I can't see her just for a while.

One person only went to my mind. Chris.

I'm calling him hoping he'll pick up.

"Hey Y/n. What's up?" I don't know why but when I hear his voice, I'm smiling like shit.

"Do you still have work?" Please please god, I need him now.

"Yes but in an hour we'll go home. Why? Is there something wrong?" How does he know? I mean do I sounded like that? He really know me.

"Nothing, I just don't have anything to do and I'm bored. Can you pick me up after you get ready? Not that I'm excited okay, I'm just bored that is all." he then chuckled. Wahh I'm dying.

"Sure, I'll just text you. Sorry but I need to go. see you later. Bye Y/n!"

"Bye!" whenever I talk to him I can feel my heart beating so fast or when he just look at me with those shining eyes, I could passed out anytime.

A thought popped in mind, He's an idol and if we dated, it'll make him in trouble. Shit, why I just realise it? What if we ended up together? Yah Y/n, can you hear what you're saying? Dating him? No way that will happen. But it's just a what if. Arghhh! I'm going crazy now.

I must get ready now. I wanna escape this hell for a little while.

I take a bath, blow dry my hair and put a light make up. I then dress up the things I ready last night. And now I'm ready.

I went out to my room and saw Maya sitting in the sofa watching tv. Wow, she really feel like home.

"Where are you going sweetie?" I hate her calling me sweetie. Well I hate her even though she doesn't speak.

"Well Unnie, it's not your business." I just rolled my eyes and went outside. Good thing mom nor dad isn't here and I can do this to her.

She called me several times but I ignored her and ran to the elevator. I then remembered when me and Chris run because of his fans and we both run while his soft and warm hand is in mine. Hey Y/n, stop day dreaming. He just hold it cause you're so slow.

The elevator then opened and I went outside of the building.

I texted Chris that I'll just wait here in the park and I also said that he don't need to be in a hurry cause I want to have a walk first.

"Uhm hi." A girl that is in my age I think approached me.

"Hello." I bow down and smiled. She's damn pretty to be honest.

"I'm Molly, If you don't recognise me, We are in the same class." Oh, that's why she looks familiar.

"That's why you look familiar. I'm Y/n by the way." I offered my hand and she quickly accept it. She is so cute when she smile and it's comfortable to be with her honestly.

"Do you want some?" wait is ice cream? omg how can I say no?

"Thank you!" I then accept it.

"You're welcome! Cookies and cream is my favourite flavor actually."

"Same here! well I love any flavor as long as it's ice cream but Cookies and cream is still in the too." Omg, I can't believe I'm saying these. I'm not like this before like opening up to random people. This is new to me.

"I agree. Uhm Y/n.... Can we be friends? If you don't want, it's okay." she's so like me. Why is she acting like me. Are we twins or something?

"No don't say that. Actually, I was about to ask you that I'm just shy to ask you. Please be my friend. I'm honestly comfortable around you." Her smile is so genuine.

"Thank you, Y/n. Can I get your number? Let's chit-chat later cause I need to go home now." I gave her my number and she waved goodbye.

"Wow, that's why I love you." I flinch cause someone just whispered in my ear when I face him it was Chris. Gosh, I almost punch him. How dare he made me smile when I was scared.

"Chris you scared me!" I hit his hard in his shoulder and I was the one who got a little hurt. His shoulder is so hard.

"Sorry, you're cute when you got scared." Ahhhhh, I smile like crazy causing him to chuckle.

"Let's just go." I pass him and walk. I then take a deep breath cause my heart is not normal now. It's beating fast.

"Yeobo, wait for me." Wahhhh, I really can't take this anymore. His words are too powerful.
Hey Readers! sorry If it takes too long for me to update. I just lost motivation but now I'm back!

I'm sorry if its kind a boring chapter.

Keep safe and peace out <3

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