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Y/n's POV

It's been a year and it's all the same, Chris is still the sweetest thing that I love so much.

"Y/n wake up! Yeobo~" he's annoyingly irresistible.

"I still wanna sleep! Leave me alone!" I really didn't meant what I just said, I want him to stay with me forever if it exist. 

"Okay I'll leave you alone." So I really thought he'll leave me alone but instead he jumps in my bed and start cuddling me. Yes I know, he's sweet.

"So this is what "leave me alone" means to you?" I then faced him and start smiling. I hope we can stay like this.

"Maybe?" even though we've been together for a year but his aussie accent is something that can make me faint every time he use it. Oh gosh send help.

"You have work Chris, go now! You'll gonna be late again." Yep, he's always late because of me.

"Give me a kiss" I gave him a peck so that he'll go now.

"I love you!" I shouted when he is about to leave my room. And also, we're not living together, I'll be turning 20 in a few days and we planned to live together by the time I'm 20 and I'm so excited!

"I know you do," he chuckled sweetly, as always.

"I love you too, see yah in a bit!" I waved at him before he go out my room. I miss him already, gosh.

I almost forgot that my sister also lives in here. I need to cook before she arrive or my allowance will low-down. Yep, she's reducing my allowance if I don't work the household chores or follow her orders. I still don't know why she move in here. Oh well, good thing I have Chris to made my day.

"Y/n! Where is the food?!" or not. Oh shoot, when I look at my phone, it says it's 9:30 am and before 9 I should have make a breakfast for her.

"Sorry unnie I—"

"I'll lessen your allowance, you're not responsible to your obligations! I'll tell mom and dad. You're worthless always. Go make me a breakfast, now! Gosh, I'm so hungry." Grrr, am I a servant to her? Can't she make her own? What is her hands for? I hate her. But unfortunately, I need to do it or mom will scold me again.

I'm here at the mall with Molly. She's like my sister, she listen to all of my dramas and problems in life and she also give some good advice. I'm really thankful to have her.

"I really can't believe she's your sister." I also can't Molly.

"Let's change topic, I don't want to talk about her for now." She just nodded and went back to eating.

"How 'bout we watch a cinema?" Molly said.

"That's a good plan, let's go!" She grab me.

"Let me finish eating first." We both stared and laugh.

"Aahhhhhhh!" I regret going with her! I forgot she likes scary things. So guess what, I'm watching a horror with her.

The movie ended and all I know is me shouting to much and now my throat hurts.

"That was so fun! Let's watch another one." Seriously? That was fun? Fun for her but never for me.

Before she buy a ticket I grab her out of the cinema.

"Don't you dare Molly." She just laugh and walk with me.

"So where are we going now?" She jump out with her eyes full of excitement. So cute.

"Do you want to sing?" She stopped when her phone rings. When she saw the caller id, it startled her.

"Is everything alright Molly?" It took her some seconds before she reply back.

"Oh yes, can I answer it first?" I smiley nodded and she went not that far from me but I can't hear their conversation. Ohmygosh Y/n, stop being nosy.

The call ended and then Molly went to me.

"Is everything ok?" I don't know but I'm having an uneasy feeling.

"Yes ofcourse! It's just about my apartment." Well maybe I'm being paranoid again.

"So where are we going?" I ask her when we exited the mall.

"The park would be nice. I mean, we can have a small walk there before we go home." Why is she acting so nervous or something. Am I really being paranoid?

"That's a good plan since it's evening so it'll be a good time to walk." It's 10pm so there wouldn't be a lot of people.

"Okay let's go." we grab a taxi.

After a few minutes we arrived at the park near my apartment. I really thought we'll go to the park near the mall.

We are infront of the park now when it started to rain heavily. How unfortunate, whenever I bring my umbrella it doesn't rain and now what? It rains and I don't have it.

We ran to a bench near a tree to stop by for a bit.

"Y/n, I'll just buy an umbrella there." By herself? no way.

"I'll come." She then stopped me.

"No just stay here." I follow what she said and stayed here. She then ran to the store and entered.

I roam around if someone is here and from not that far I saw Chris? It's Chris! but she's with a girl. Wait, is that Maya? My sister?

I ran to them who are under the umbrella but froze up when something happened.

She kissed him and the worst thing was Chris let her.

I can't believe what I'm seeing now. My heart is aching, my tears are falling and my legs are weak but I still manage to stand.

Do you really love me Chris?
Hi Readers! It's been a year since I update kidding hahahaha. So sorry for this chapter, maybe you guys are crying or heart broken because of it, I dunno, I also cried while making this chapter. I can't promise you an amazing ending but I hope you guys will like it.

(I will be gone for some days because I'll be making it up to the ending chapter and post it together. And maybe I'll post it before Christmas, my present for you all.)

Thank you for supporting me and I literally cry when this book hits 1k reads, I'm so happy. I know it's only 1k but it is so much to me. I never expected it cause it's my first ever book. Thank you thank you all so much😭.

Have a great day/night! Peace out<3

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