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"Y/n!" Molly shouted from behind me causing Chris and Maya to turn their gaze to me. Are they together? for how long? Is he just playing with my feelings?

"Y/n?" And now he can't even recognise me. Oh well I'm soaking wet.

I walk out but Chris grab me.

"Please let go of me." I tried to let go but I can't, he's too strong and it's hurting me.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry." I don't know if that was sincere but it just made my tears worst.

"Tell me Chris, Do you love me? Did you love me? Please tell me the truth." Good thing it's raining so my tears isn't that obvious.

"Y/n I love you, but I love Maya more. I'm sorry." he then let go of me. I wish I didn't ask him that.

"Why Chris? But no, don't answer it. At the start I knew I don't deserve you. I understand. Thank you for everything." I ran even though Molly is calling me.

I'm in the road now when a car stop by.

"Come inside." It's Tristan. He's in a good timing I must say.

I went inside even though I'm so freaking wet. I don't know and I don't care where we're heading, the most important is I'm far from Chris.

I'm inside of Tristan's condo now.

"Here." He throw a towel to me.

"Go have a shower." I slightly smiled.

I didn't reply and headed to the bathroom. His bathroom is like the size of my room.

I took a bath and forgot that I don't have extra clothes with me. When I went out with a towel on,ofcourse, he is cooking in his kitchen.

"Your room will be there," he pointed a door placed in the left side.

"Your clothes are ready there." He doesn't even look at me. How gentleman.

I should have said thank you but I'll just say it later.

I changed into the clothes he gave me and went outside.

"Dinner is ready, sit down." This is too much to handle, he helped me to escape in the park and now he is serving me. But I can't say no cause I'm so hungry.

"Thank you so much Tristan." That's the only thing that pops out my mouth.

"What are friends for right?" I really trust him, and I'm so thankful that he saved me earlier.

I took my first bite of the steak he made.

"How was it?" I'm so speechless.

"It's so good! I didn't know you can cook." He chuckled.

"Well it's not obvious for this gorgeous face." he made a flower pose infront of me making me choke the meat.

He gave me water and I quickly drank it.

"Are you okay?" I look like a mess and he's asking me if I'm okay?

"Yes, sorry." A thought just popped in my mind.

"Tristan, can we go to a club?" And this time he was the one who got choked, oh gosh.

I then gave him water. He drank it and spoke.

"Are you serious?" Why? Do I look too nice to go to a club?

"Does the tone sounded like a joke?" he cover his mouth depicting he's shock and it's cute.

"Let's go!"-Tristan. He looks like a party boy.
We arrived at the club not that far from his condo.

"WoooOooh!" I shouted and feel the music. I'm wearing a black dress that Tristan make me borrow. I don't have any idea where did he get all of those girl stuffs.

I went straight to dance floor and dance like crazy. Tristan then offered me a drink while I'm dancing.

After some time, I'm not so comfortable cause someone is touching my butt. Wtf? I'm having a great time here.

I pushed him but he's still touching my butt.

"Hey you freak! Stop touching my beautiful gluteus maximus." how dare he touch my beautiful butt.

"Are you alone baby?" did he just call me baby? Do I look like a baby to him?

"Don't call me baby, and I'm not alone." I felt so dizzy. Everything was blurry and all I remember is that Chris punch the guy who touches my butt.
"Aww" I groan in pain while touching my head that is hurting. What happened?

I then remembered that Tristan and I went to the club and then OH MY FREAKING GOSH! I quickly ran outside and saw Chris and Tristan having a conversation with a coffee in their side. What's happening?!

"Oh hey Y/n, you're awake." Uhm hello Tristan, isn't that obvious?

My eyes went straight to Chris who's staring at me with those teary eyes.

"How dare you show up here! After what you've done?!" I went back inside the room and start crying.

"Why did you said that you stupid! You want to see him everyday and every night." I whined while talking to myself.

Someone knock in the door so I immediately shut my mouth and wiped all my tears.

I opened the door when I heard Tristan.

"Tristan why did you invite that jerk here?! You know what he did to me!" I then felt guilty shouting at him when he's the one who helped me in our mess.

"Can you atleast go out and eat breakfast first? And he went home already so calm down." I should be relief that he's not here right? But why do I feel sad?

"Sorry." We then went in the table where the food is all set.

"I have to tell you something." My heart beat start to beat really fast.

"Please don't be angry at me. I was about to tell you this yesterday but you got drunk." Omg this is making me nervous!

"Tell me already." he close his eyes and heavily sigh and then gave me a serious look.

"Me and Chan are cousin." they are what?! Holy Freak!

My Neighbour Is An Idol || Bangchan ff [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now