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"We're neighbours!" Oh I thought he has— wait what?! we're neighbours? okay stop. I'm overeacting.

"T-that's nice." We were in an awkward silence for a while and then he ask me something.

"So Y/n. Do you wanna come over to my apartment?" Chris said while pointing to a door saying 'APRT 188'.Our apartment is really close huh. What a coincidence.

"Sure but after I finish arranging my things." he nodded and he gave me a 'can-I-go-inside' look.

"Oh yeah sorry." He enter my apartment and I close the door.

After an hour of arranging my things we decided to go to their apartment to have some ramen.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Chris." I said while we enter his apartment.

"Sure. Anytime" He then smiled at me and open the door. Shit that smile.

As I enter his apartment, I saw a guy cooking a ramen?

"Hi Y/n. Nice meeting you, I'm Felix you can sit there." he then pointed the table facing the tv. Okay, That's kinda creepy. How does he know my name?

"I texted him." Chris whispered to my left ear causing me to face him. Our face is so close to each other that I can feel his breath. I quickly look away before he sees me turning into a tomato.

"What's going on?" Felix ask while putting the Ramen in the table.

"Nothing Felix. Let's eat." Chris said while putting some ramen in my bowl.

"Oh by the way Y/n. Let me formally introduce my self. I'm Lee Felix, I'm 21 years old and I am Chris's friend." he then offer his hand for a hand shake and I accepted it.

"I'm Y/n, I'm 2 years younger than you. Nice to meet you felix oppa?" I can see him blushing. I chuckled.He's so cute.

We ate our ramen with laughters and full of exciting stories. These guys are so fun to be with. I hope I can be close to them and have them as my friends.

When we're about to finish our ramens someone came in the house. Wait it's not just someone, there are like three guys entering here.

"Guys we're—" a cute guy with a foxy-like eyes stared at me with that 'who-are-you' look. And the two remaining guys doesn't bother to look here and went straight to a room.

"Hyung who is she?" the cute guy is pointing at me. Wait are they relatives? And their all boys? I'm really confused right now.

"I.n-ie Her name is Y/n. She's our new friend and also a new owner of 'APRT 187'. Y/n this is I.n our maknae." Felix introducing us to each other. Okay? I'm still confuse. He ran towards me and smiles at me. He's so weird but kinda cute.

"Hi noona." Noona? I'm only 19 and he just called me noona.

"Yah I.n you're one year older than her. You're now an oppa congrats." Felix tease him making him to be shock a bit.

"You're younger than me? Really? Am I really an oppa now?" His smile widen. Cute.

"I'm 19." I told him. He still have that shock look. I must say he's really happy that I can call him oppa.

"Y/n-ah you must call me oppa. okay?" I nodded and we then laugh. How cute.

"Yah. You guys are so noi—who is that girl?" here we go again with the who am I look.

"I'm Y/n. I'm 19 years old and I live next door." I introduced my self to this handsome guy. His long blonded hair really caughts my attention. He then walk towards my direction.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He said seriously. I was fluttered of what he just said and the other guys are shock at the moment.

"Yah Hwang Hyunjin! Stop flirting with our Y/n!." I.n called me our Y/n? And the other dudes is still having those shock look.What the hell is happening here?

"Yah Did you just call my whole name without honorifics? You need to be punished" Hyunjin pinched I.n's cheecks and not letting it go for seconds while poor I.n is screaming for help. We then just laugh.

"By the way, Y/n I'm Hwang Hyunjin. I'm 21 years old. And obviously older to this boy." While staring I.n with those sharp looks. He then offer his hand and I accept it.

"I bet you already know my name. Nice meeting you, Hyunjin." when I was about to let go of my hand he hold it tightly.

"I forgot your name. Wait, was it—Mine?" okay I am now red as tomato. Why does he need to be this handsome while saying those cheesy lines.

"I'mma go wash the dishes." I was interrupted when Chris went to the kitchen. I should help him.

"I'll go help Chris."I then let go of my hand and left them.

"Hey Chris, let me help you with that." I said but he doesn't response. Is he ignoring me or is he deaf?

"Chris you okay?"he heavily sign and that makes me a little bit worried.

"Are you okay?" I'm really worried right now.

"Y/n-ah" his sweet voice become a sad one.

"hmm?" he then look at me with those sad eyes.

"Do you like Hyunjin."what? is that the reason why he's acting like this?

"Ofcourse not. Why would I?" he then make a sad baby face look. He's now killing me.

"Then don't make me feel jealous." Why would he be jealous?Wait— he's jealous?Oh crap I'm turning into a tomato again.

Hey Stays/Readers! Sorry for the late update. School works is getting on my way:< But I'll try to write when I have free time.

For those who red and still supporting on my stories (if there is any haha) THANK YOU! And this book is currently on Top 21 in #bangchanxreader, omg still can't believe it! Thankyou so much!

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Do you have suggestions/questions? Just leave it in the comment. God bless and Lovelots~

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