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"Actually, I like your mom's idea. Be my girlfriend then even if it's not real." -Chris.

"What are talking about Chris?!" he just laughed. HE JUST FREAKIN' LAUGH!

"You're cute." He then pinch my cheeks.Shit I feel like I'm a bloody tomato right now. He then realize what he just done so he quickly get his hands off my bloody cheeks.

"S-sorry." Chris felt sorry and then avoided eye contact with me. We're in an awkward silence for a second when his phone rings.

"I gotta pick this up" I nodded and then he answered it.

"Yeoboseyeo?" he questioned.

"Hyung, when are you coming back? We still have work tomorrow." he then look me with those sparkling eyes.

"Okay, I'm coming" he then hang up.

"So Y/n, I should go home now." I felt sad when he said he's going home. I don't know why but I want him to be with me everytime. Wait what Y/n?! You must be crazy. Let Chris go.

"Oh sure! Thanks by the way. See you tomorrow." We stand up both and I open the door for him.

"Don't forget to lock the door, okay?" I nod and he then went out.

What a day! I should rest now.

I take a half bath and wear into my pajama. I played games and open my social medias then I remember I didn't get their social medias acc. I should ask them tomorrow. After a while, I got sleepy so I set the alarm and go to bed.

kring kring~

Ahhhh! It's so noisy! Oh yeah I set the alarm last night cause I need to go shopping for my school the next day. I also need to go to the grocery.

I get up and get ready.

After a while, I finished getting ready, so I went out and planning to eat outside.

I take the bus and went to a mall. I'm kinda excited. Before I start shopping, I went to a restaurant near the Jype building. Wow it's freakin huge. I'm not a kpop fan but I just knew it since Jinyoung oppa is under that company. Should I call and visit him? Nah, he must be busy and also I have shopping and groceries to do.

I finished eating and went inside the gigantic mall.

I first went to the parlor to cut my waist-length hair. I'll cut it to an upper-shoulder length.

"Hi maam, welcome to Jung's Parlor. Please sit here." the red haired woman approach me. She's seems nice.

"Oh hi good morning, Can you cut it in upper-shoulder length please." he just nodded and ready her things.

After 20 minutes may hair is now short. I'll miss my long hair.

kring kring~

My mom is calling.

"Oh Eomma?" It's like been a day that I didn't see her but I already miss her.

"Yah! Y/n-ah why you didn't call me yesterday huh?" Oh shoot, I forgot to call her.

"Sorry mom, I was kinda busy." I can hear her sighed heavenly.

"I bet you're busy with your boyfriend. What was his name again? Glues? West?" Is she reffering to Chris? Gosh, why is she always like these towards boys that I'm with.

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