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"And then you kissed me." I did what?! He must be pranking me. Please tell me he's just messing around. Oh god please.

"I'm telling the truth you even record it to your phone. Watch it" Nahh, I'm not that stupid to do such a thing. Am I?

I quickly searched for my phone, it's 11 in the morning?! wow I slept a lot, maybe that's why my head hurts. I check the album and holy crap?! I saw a video. Should I click it? No I shouldn't. But I need to! I click the video.

"Hey gois! I'm with my boyfriend right now. His name is Chris. Say hi, baby" I showed his face that is turning to red right now. I love this man.

"Y/n you're so drunk right now. Please stop." Chris tried to get my phone but I didn't let him. Who does he think he is? He already stole my heart and now my phone? no, no way.

"Yah! Baby you can't just stole my phone, you need to do something first." he looked at me with those curious eyes. I then looked at his pinkish lips thinking how sweet does it taste.

I didn't bother to decide if I should kiss him. He was startled when my lips touches to his.
Shit?! I now remember about the kiss! What have I done? I'm really embarassed right now! I can't even look at him.

"S-sorry Chris, I really didn't mean to do that. It's just— It's just I'm not in myself that time. I'm so sorry." After I say those words, I though he'd be mad or something but he just laugh. HE JUST FREAKING LAUGH! was that funny?

"Nah issokay, I know you're so drunk that time. And I'm sorry if I bought you like 3 bottle of soju." wait is he telling me that I drank like 3 bottles of soju?! no freaking way?!

"Can you tell me what happened? I really don't remember. What I only remember is when I- I uhmm you know what I mean." Shit I can't even say the word kiss infront of him.

"So you called me then you told me to buy some soju and you said to buy like 5 bottles but ofcourse I only buy 3 soju and I thought your alcohol tolerancy is high but when it's only your fifth glass, you were already kinda drunk. And then I tried to stop you but your punching me and it still hurts right now. Anyways, you're just so drunk and do some stuffs I don't even know." Ok? Land please eat me right now. How can I escape this embarassment?

"Shit. I'm so so so so sorry Chris. I swear I wouldn't drink anymore." I can't look him! I really can't.

"No it's okay, and yea please don't drink too much." I will! Oh wait no, I must!

kring kring~
Someone is calling him and he just answer it quickly.

" Oh Lino?" okay it's Lino oppa. I hope he'll make Chris went back to their apartment. I felt like I'm suffocating right now.

"Araseo." he then ended up the call.

"Y/n I gotta go. I still have work to do."-Chris

"Oh yea sure, sorry again. And also can you not tell you friends about what happen?" I can't stop my self thinking of what happen last night.

"About the ki—"

"Please don't continue! It's so embarassing." he just then chuckled. How can he be so sexy smiling and showing his dimples. Wth Y/n?! stop it!

"Okay then, bye! See you around?" I nodded and accompanied him outside.

At last, I can now breath normally. But my head is still occupied. Why didn't he stop me when I kissed him? Arghh, stop thinking nonsense Y/n!

I let out a sigh and went to the bathroom to take a bath and get ready to go grocery. But after that I cleaned up our mess.

Ghad, my apartment smells alchohol! What do you expect Y/n?

[Time Skip]
I'm currently in the supermarket. I bought so much foods especially snack. I also think I didn't have a housewarming party so I'll text Chris to tell the guys that I'' having a party later.

I bought the ingredients needed for the barbeque party. I'm so excited. Good thing I knew this guys, it made me forgot what Maya said yesterday.

[Time Skips]
I'm now home and currently arranging for my housewarming party. I texted Chris earlier and he said they'll come around 6pm and it's still 5:20pm. I have so much time.

I put the barbeque stand outside the balcony. Yes, we have a balcony, I just notice it yesterday. Silly me.

After some time, I check the time and it's 4:50pm. Oh shit! they'll be here any soon. I quickly went to the bathroom and get ready. I wear a simple attire; oversized shirt and shorts. I then apply a little make up. I'm now ready.

ding dong~

They're here! I immediately opened the door and saw Hyunjin smiling at me. I'm melting right now.

"Hi Y/n!" Hyunjin was about to hug me when I.n stopped him.

"Yah hyung, someone will be jealous." someone will be jealous?

"Who will be jealous?" I ask directly and they all avoid eye contact.

"me! I'll be really jealous Y/n" Lino raised his hand. I got flustered of what he just said. Damn you Lino!

They all laugh awkwardly. Weirdos.

I let them in and they all went into the sofa.

"Soooo Y/n, where are you going to study?" Seungmin asked me.

"SOPA" I answered shortly. Excited faces are drawn into Hyunjin's face. What now Hyunjin?

"Yah Y/n we're entering the same school!" that'll be awesome because I have now a friend there.

I just smile sweetly.

I opened the tv and went to netflix.

"What movie genre are we going to watch guys?" I wish I didn't ask them because look they're all fighting over Dramacomedy and Horror. But many voted for horror.

I'm in the center of the sofa, in left side is Seungmin and in the right side is Chris. Han is with Seungmin and Felix is with Chan. The other boys are in the floor.

We're now watching the horror movie Alive. I can't watch it! The zombies look so scary. When there is a scene that they all got shock, I also got shock and come closer to Chris.

I realized what I have done and calmly went back like nothing happens.

"Here." Chris opened his hand for me to hold it?

Without thinking I placed my hand into his. His hand is so soft. Stop blushing Y/n!
Peace out! <3

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