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Y/n's POV

After 2 days of fever, thankfully, I'm now fine. I'm now heading to school but what troubles me is I don't have a work. After school I'll find another part time job.

"Y/n!" Tristan called me from afar. I ran to him.


"Why haven't you attend school for 2 days?" he's asking me with a poker face.

"I got sick, sorry if I didn't tell you nor the teachers." Honestly I didn't think that I say sorry to him because I felt like he doesn't care but because he's the class president, he should atleast know.

"It's okay, I'm thankful your fine." I'm wrong with this dude, he's not a showy person but he is indeed nice.

"Thank you for your concern." We both chuckled and walk to the classroom.

"So are you from Australia?" I broke the silence.

"Yes, also you." how does he know? Oh yeah he's our class pres.

"By the way, Are you okay?" okay because of what?

"What do you mean?" Am I that slow to not know what's he saying?

"About Bangchan and you." Bangchan? That name again? This is the right time I should ask him about this person Bangchan.

"Who's Bangchan?" he looked at me shockly. Uhm hello? Ofcourse I don't know that Bangchan they're talking about.

"You don't know? Bangchan from Stray Kids. Stray Kids's Leader." Stray Kids? is that a group?

"I really don't have any idea what you're talking about."

"There's a rumour spreading in twitter that you guys are dating. You really don't know?" What?! I don't even know who the hell is this Bangchan!

We have arrived to the classroom and Hyunjin is staring at me like he's concern. Is he really concern?

I went straight to my chair and burried my face to arms. I'm still confuse, who is this Bangchan? I only hang out with Jinyoung oppa and the guys from the next door. Don't tell me Bangchan is— No, no way.

I got snapped to reality when the teacher arrived. I should focus to her discussion now.

[ Time Skips ]

I can't focus to our teachers discussion earlier. I'm so curious who the hell is BangChan.

I'm now walking and finding a part time job near my school. And lucky me, just for the first interview here in a kpop café, I got accepted!

I quickly went home and changed first before I start my first day in my new part time job. Hopefully, I won't get harassed again. It makes me avoid some guy that I don't know. It felt like what happened to me rewinds when someone I don't know touches me. I hate this feeling, It felt like I'm being paranoid.

I'm now walking to the café but unfortunately, I saw Chris with a girl. And makes me sad, I don't know why but I feel like I'm getting jealous. I wish I was that girl that is laughing with him.

He's gaze then turn to mine. I quickly avoided and jog to the café. Damn it!

"Oh Y/n, here's the apron." Luckily my boss is a woman, it'll be quite comfortable when I'm working.

She then roam me around and teaches me how to operate things to things. Good thing I'm a fast learner.

Time went by and so customers are. It was a exhausting day but I must say, it's so fun.

I'm now walking home and it's 11 in the night and the street light are the only light I can see including the tall buildings. I should eat something in the 7/11 before going home.

I went in to buy a 2 cups of Ramen and 2 bottles of water. I then went to the park and sat down. I love how the wind dances with my hair. This feeling is so relaxing not until I saw Chris with the girl I saw earlier. I think he accompany her to get a cab. When the girl went in the taxi, Chris is then walking to the 7/11, shit shitt he'll saw me, what should I do?

I just turn to my back hoping that he wouldn't see me.

And thankfully he didn't. That was close. I then stand up and saw Tristan from afar.

"Y/n? Y/n!" I'm signalling him to be quiet but I'm in a dark area so he doesn't saw it. Shit, I hope Chris didn't hear it.

"Y/n?" Chris just called me. He just called me! What should I do? Should I run? What now Y/n?!

"I better go Y/n, be safe." Tristan just wink at me. Wtf?!

"Hey Y/n." he called me again! calm down Y/n. Think of something you should do!

I walk as fast as I could but Chris grab my hand causing me to face him and he slowly hugged me. I haven't felt this for so long. Yes, a week is so long for me. I miss this so much. But this is wrong. I should avoid him right? But the this is why should I avoid him?

I then remembered about the guy Bangchan. I should ask him.

"Chris." he let go of me and faced me.

"Who is Bangchan?" his hands drop and he froze like he saw a ghost or something.

"I should have told you this when we first met Y/n, Bangchan is my Korean name." No freaking way, I'm right! He's BangChan but why did he keep it a secret to me.

"Why did you keep it to me then? I mean knowing your Korean name isn't a big deal right?" I really don't get it, why would he keep it to me?

"Do you know Stray Kids?" That group Stray Kids Tristan mentioned a while ago. And he's the leader of that group. But What kind of group is Stray Kids? Wait, don't tell me it's a mafia or gang group?!

"I don't have any idea Chris, I mean Bangchan." he just chuckled. Ahhhhh, he just chuckled but I almost die.

"You can call me anything you want. And Stray Kids is a Kpop group under Jyp Entertainment. And I'm the leader of that group." No way, no freaking way! He's an idol?!

"So are you telling me that I'm friend with a kpop idol?" My Neighbour is an idol?!

"Yes, I'm sorry if I didn't tell you early. I was about to tell you but something unfortunate happened."

"What happened?"

"There is a rumour going on between you and me dating and the company says that we need to break our friendship to you. I really don't want to do it at first but the company told me to choose between Stray Kids or you. I was about to chose you but I can't just leave the guys cause it'll lead to our group's disbandment. I'm so sorry Y/n but it's all now fixed. I went live in vlive and tell them that you're just my friend and the company now allow us to hang out." It all make sense now why he avoided me.

"Good thing that your fans are mostly matured one cause if not maybe my apartment is burned out now." we then laugh and sat down.

"I missed you Y/n." -Chris

"I missed you too Chris." We smiled and enjoyed the stars that is twinkling in the sky.

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