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Y/n's POV

I'm laying here in my bed thinking what just happened a while ago. Did he really mean it? A Date?!

I was snapped to the reality when my phone rings.

It's my mom.

"Y/n honey?" her voice sound sad. Arghh, I can't hate her at all. Even thought she chose Maya over me. Well who am I to complain? I'm just her adopted daughter anyways.

"Ne eomma?" I replied to her like there's nothing wrong. I'm good at this, hiding my true feelings for the sake of their feelings.

"I'm so sorry honey, I just—"

"Eomma it's okay, I understand. Sorry if I was rude to you. I love you mom." Am I really okay? Ofcourse you are not Y/n but I can't tell her that. I love her and it'll make her conscience if I'll tell her that.

"I love you too honey. I'll come there don't worry." should I not be worry? Well maybe the guys will help me out.

We talked for like an hour and then I get ready for our dinner date. Shit, by just thinking of that word, it makes me blush.

I wore a simple pink long sleeve dress above the knee and a pair of sandals. I curled my hair and wore a simple make up. I'm now ready.

I texted Chris that I am ready and he said he'll be here any minutes.

4 minutes pass but he's still not here. I wait and wait but 1 hour has pass and he's still not here and I didn't receive any replies.

What if he's just playing me? What if he really doesn't mean to have a date with me? I know it's just a what ifs but heck it hurts. I don't want to jump off to conclusion without any proof but why am I feeling this?

Shit, I feel my tears are falling and my heart is so heavy.

I waited again hoping just maybe he'll come up any soon but another hour pass. I then gave up. I changed to my pajamas and buried my face to the pillows. Yes, I'm crying. I'm crying like an idiot. It's just a freaking date Y/n why are you crying?!

It's early in the morning and it's my first day in my new school. And guess what, my eyes are so puffy and red. This is so embarassing.

I get ready so that I won't be late on my first day. And it randomly popped in my head what happened last night. I checked my phone if he replied to me but no. He just seen my text and it hurts.

I let out a heavy sigh and smile at the mirror.

Why are you like this Y/n? stop acting like broken hearted girl. Maybe he mean to have a friendly dinner date. What were you thinking.

Grab my backpack and texted Hyunjin. He said last time that we'll go to school together. But minutes passed and he still doesn't reply. What is wrong with these people? Are they avoiding me or something?

I just walked to the school by my self. Great, just great. First day of school but you're so sad Y/n. I hope it wouldn't get worst.

I entered SOPA with the eyes of student choking me. Why are they staring at me like I have a big sin?

"Hey are you Y/n?" A guy with a poker face approached me.

"Yes I am" I plastered a fake smile and he just nodded.

"I'm Tristan, I'm the class president of our room. Follow me." it's so obvious that he's a foreigner. He also have this hot aussie accent. This reminds me of Chris. Arghhh! erase him from your head Y/n!

I followed him and went inside a chaotic classroom. I roam my eyes and saw Hyunjin! We're classmate! But it hurts cause when he saw me he avoided and acts like he doesn't know me. Ouch.

I sat near the window but unfortunately I'm at the back of Hyunjin's chair because this is the only vacant sit.

"She's that girl right?"

"Who girl?"

"The girl who flirt Bang Chan."

I faced them and saw that I'm the one who are they referring to. I really don't know what is happening. Who the hell is Bang Chan? It sound so familiar.

"Okay class, settle down," the teacher tap the table to get the attention of the students.

"So it's obvious that you have a new classmate. Ms. Y/sn (your surname) please introduce yourself at the front." I shyly stood up and went infront.

"Hi I'm Y/n, I'm 19 years old. I hope we get along. Thank you." I then bow down and an awkward claps occur.

"Okay you can go back now Ms. Y/sn." when I was heading back to my chair, someone's feet blocked my way intentionally causing me to trip.

And then the whole class started to laugh at me. I felt like crying but I stop it. I won't show them I'm weak. Not again.

I get up and returned to my chair and listen to the teacher's discussion. But the truth is I can't focus on his discussion, there are so many thoughts inside my head now. Like why are they avoiding me? Why did Chris didn't show up or replied to me last night? And who the hell is Bang Chan?


I thought I'm strong but I'm wrong. I'm at my apartment now and laying in my bed, crying. It hurts so bad! Chris and the boys are the only friends I have but now what? They're all avoiding me.

Earlier I went to the 7/11 and saw Felix, I.n, Seungmin and Leeknow in there. But they didn't even look at me like I'm a ghost or something. It really hurts so bad.

I contacted Jinyoung oppa but he's not answering his phone. I wanna talk to my mom but she's busy because Maya was sick and they're in hospital right now and I don't want to trouble her.

I'm again alone.

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