Chapter 14

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The night wasn't as warm as the day, now that the sun was gone it was cold and dark. It was silent outside of camp, and the same forest seemed eerie and creepy. The bushes wove from the breeze, and noises of scuffling prey could be heard nearby.

Mistleheart shredded the grass beneath her, her breath billowing her fur as she fought the tiredness within her. Lightspark yawned and Mistleheart had to nudge her.

In the distance a few rustling bushes could be heard, Mistleheart thought that it was a mouse or vole that were running through the forest. But a scent made Mistleheart scared.

It was a dog scent, fresh, Lightspark had seemed to notice it too. Her fur pricked, a few black and white fur rummaged from the bushes, it was sleek and smooth. Immediately, it let out a dog-like howl. It was a dog.

Then came some yelping and yowling, there was a Twoleg chasing after the dog. Mistleheart's fur lay down for a few heartbeats, but pricked up again when the dog had raced away. Gulping, Mistleheart hoped the Twoleg had caught the dog, but it had given up and ran away.

No! Now there was a loose dog in the forest that the Twoleg wouldn't dare to chase, it's growls rumbled from behind and Mistleheart knew that it had caught something. A pint of blood could be scented from CliffClan territory.

A few snarls came, at first Mistleheart thought it was the dog that had seen the two. But it was Lightspark. Lightspark curled her lips back, and unsheathed her claws, she began to creep down the slope.

Mistleheart bit her tail, and Lightspark fought off a yelp of pain. Her sister turned over to her. A snarl creeping into her voice. "What?"

"You can't fight a dog alone—"

"Then I'll fight it with you," Lightspark murmured bravely.

"You must be mouse-brained, it's best we call a patrol." Mistleheart scowled.

Lightspark pricked her ears in annoyance, she began to scramble down the slope. The dog was nearby by the time they were passing the river, her fur bristled as she saw the dog lapping the water. It's tongue lolling, it let out a howl of fun and ran away.

Lightspark chased after it, Mistleheart followed behind in terror. They had stopped as the dog had disappeared through the long grass of CliffClan, Mistleheart scrambled to a stop. She fixed her gaze on Lightspark.

"It's no longer our problem," she hissed.

The next morning, Mistleheart had slid into camp when Mosspelt had told them to come back. She yawned, her paws clumsy tripping on pebbles. Duskfall had raced over to her.

"I'm proud of you, Mistleheart." he murmured, brushing his muzzle on her shoulder.

Mistleheart let out a purr and a yawn, she almost bumped into the apprentices' den, thankfully Lightspark had called her out. Blinking her thanks, she slipped into the den.

Goldentail was sleeping inside, Bramblenose a few beddings away. She slept curled tightly in a ball, her bushy tail touching her cold nose. The two sisters' paw-steps had woken her up.

"Now you're officially warriors," she mewed. "I'm proud of you."

A purr rumbled in Mistleheart's throat, Goldentail's eyes narrowed to slits. "You wanted to see what Foxclaw had hidden from you?" she meowed seriously now.

"Hidden?" Lightspark echoed.

Goldentail grunted, she padded out, beckoning her tail so the two littermates' would follow. She led them into a thin peach-ish tree, a few bushes that were blooming from the cold weather were beginning to grow again, more stronger now.

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