Trials & Tribulations

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Act II — Heart of the Ocean

Part II — Trials and tribulations you know I've had my share, but I've climbed the mountain, I've crossed the river.

Andy led Tyson to the pavilion. "Who invited that?" someone from the Apollo table shouted.

"Well, if it isn't Andy Jackson," said Mr. D. "My millennium is complete." He glanced at the man beside him. "You need to keep an eye for Poseidon's spawn."

The man was horribly thin and wore an orange prisoner jumpsuit. "I'm Tantalus," he said coldly. "On special assignment here until my Lord Dionysus decides otherwise. And you, Andromeda Jackson, I do expect you to refrain from causing any more trouble."

"Trouble? Me?"

Anthony grabbed her by the arm and dragged her away. "Tantalus is the spirit from the Fields of Punishment," he whispered in her ear. "The one who stands in the lake with the fruit tree hanging over him, but he can't eat or drink. He's done something horrible to be given this fate. Don't push your luck, Seaweed Brain."

"Yes, go sit down, Jackson," said Mr. D, very loudly. "I believe your table is that one over there—the one where no one else ever wants to sit." Some campers laughed.

"Come on, Tyson," she called ignoring the noise.

"Oh, no," Tantalus said. "The monster stays here. We will decide what to do with it."

"He is not a monster!" she raged. "His name is Tyson and he saved the camp."

"Leave us," Tantalus waved her away, "while we decide the creature's fate."

Tyson looked at Andy with fear in his one big eye. "It's alright," she lied to him. "Don't worry. You'll be fine. They'll find you a good place to sleep tonight."

Mr. D and Tantalus laughed, but Tyson whispered: "I believe you."

"Well," said Tantalus as everyone sat quietly. "And here on my first day of authority, I'd like to say what a pleasant form of punishment it is to be here. Over the course of my time here, I hope to torture, er, interact with each and every one of you children. You all look good enough to eat." Mr. D clapped. "And now, some changes. We are releasing you from most of your regular activities."

There was an explosion of excited conversation.

"But, sir!" Clarisse looked nervous, but she stood up to speak. "What about patrol duty? If we drop everything—"

"Ahh, the hero of the day!" Tantalus exclaimed. "Brave Clarisse, who single-handedly bested the bronze bulls."

Clarisse blinked and blushed. "Um, I didn't—"

"And modest, too," Tantalus grinned. "Not to worry, my dear. We are here to enjoy ourselves and not to—"

"But the pine tree—"

"And now," he cut, "Andy Jackson and Anthony Chase have seen fit, for some reason, to bring this here," he pointed at Tyson. "Cyclopes have a reputation for being bloodthirsty monsters with a very small brain capacity. Under normal circumstances, I would release this beast into the woods and have you hunt it down with torches and pointed sticks."

Andy felt her anger rising. "Now, wait a minute—"

"But who knows?" Tantalus continued. "Perhaps this Cyclopes is not as horrible as most of its brethren. Until it proves worthy of destruction, we need a place to keep it. I've thought about the stables, but that will make the horses nervous. Hermes' cabin, possibly?" Silence at the Hermes table. "Come on. The monster may be able to do some menial chores. Any suggestions as to where such a beast should be kenneled?"

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