Brave & Honorable

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Act V — Walking On Water

Part IX — Hear him roar! See him foam! But we're not coming home 'til he's deadgood and dead!

Ethan faced Kronos with fear. His good eye was searching everywhere for any signs of danger.

"Well, Nakamura. What did you think of the diplomatic mission?" the Titan Lord made conversation.

Ethan hesitated. "I'm sure Lord Prometheus is better suited to speak—"

"But I asked you."

"I... I don't think Jackson will surrender. Ever."

Kronos nodded. "Anything else you'd like to tell me?"

"N-no, sir."

"You look nervous, Ethan."

"No, sir. I'm not."

Kronos's golden eyes bored into Ethan's face. "What happened last night on the Williamsburg Bridge?"

Ethan trembled. "I... I don't know, sir."

"I think you do. When you attacked Jackson, something happened. Something was not quite right. The boy jumped in your way."

"He wanted to save her."

"But she is invulnerable," Kronos said quietly. "You saw that yourself."

"Maybe he forgot."

"He forgot," Kronos repeated. "Yes, that must've been it. He took a knife for her, because he forgot."

"He... He loves her, I guess."

Kronos scowled. "Love. Yes. Does love turn what it's invulnerable to vulnerable? Tell me, Ethan, where were you aiming when you stabbed at Jackson?"

Ethan frowned. "I'm not sure, sir. It all happened so fast. I wasn't aiming for any spot in particular."

"I see. Well, if your memory improves, I will expect—" suddenly, the Titan lord winced. He stumbled backward and sank into a chair.

"My lord?" Ethan started forward.

"I—" the voice was weak, but just for a moment it was Luke's. Then Kronos's expression hardened. "It's nothing," he said. "A minor discomfort."

Ethan moistened his lips. "He's still fighting you, isn't he?"

"Nonsense," Kronos spat. "Repeat that lie, and I will cut out your tongue. The boy's soul has been crushed. I am simply adjusting to the limits of this form. It requires rest. It is annoying, but no more than a temporary inconvenience."

"As you say, my lord."

"You!" Kronos pointed his scythe at a dracaenae. "Tell my brother Hyperion to move our main force south into Central Park. The half-bloods will be in such disarray they will not be able to defend themselves. Go now, Ethan. Work on improving your memory. We will talk again when we have taken Manhattan."

The dream changed.

Andy was at Camp Half-Blood. Chiron stood by the porch, talking to Hermes and May Castellan holding a baby. She seemed full of life, pretty, happy; nothing like what she was today. 

"It is an honor to have you here," Chiron was telling her. "It's been a long time since a mortal was allowed at camp."

"Don't encourage her," Hermes grumbled. "May, you can't do this."

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