A Fool In Love

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Act III — Deep Blue Sea

Part III — Is it wrong? To pull all our hopes together and wish for something better, is it wrong? To be loved?

Camp Half-Blood was even more beautiful covered in snow. Nico was fascinated by everything and Andy had to take him by the hand and drag him to the Big House to meet Chiron. Zoë and the Hunters refused to accompany them and headed straight to Cabin Eight. Grover went with them—he seemed to like their company, unaware that the feeling was not reciprocated.

"Who's Chiron?" Nico asked. "I don't have his card."

"The activities director. You'll see."

"If those Hunter girls don't like him, that's good enough for me," he shrugged.

In the Big House, Chiron smiled when he saw them. "Andy! Thalia! And this must be—"

"Nico di Angelo," Andy introduced. "He and his sister are half-bloods."

Chiron was relieved. "You succeeded."

"Not completely."

Chiron's smile melted. He looked around. "Where is Anthony?"

"Oh, dear," said Mr. D, voice bored. Andy hadn't even noticed he was there. "Not another one lost."

"Who else is lost?" asked Thalia.

Just then, Grover entered the room, grinning. There was a slap mark in his left cheek. "The Hunters are moved in," he said.

Chiron frowned. "The Hunters? I see we need to talk." He glanced at Nico. "Grover, can you take our young friend to the den and show him our orientation film?"

"Yes, sir."

Both of them walked out and Thalia and Andy told Chiron and Mr. D everything. When they were done, Chiron said, "We should launch a search for Anthony immediately."

"I'll go," Thalia and Andy said at the same time.

Mr. D sniffed. "Certainly not." Andy and Thalia protested, but the god raised his hand. "From what you have told me, we have broken even on this escapade. We have, ah, regrettably lost one who's been with us for a long time—whatever his name was—but—"

"Anthony!" Andy snapped.

"Yeah, yeah. And you procured a small annoying boy to replace him. So I see no point risking further half-bloods on a ridiculous rescue. The possibility is very great that the son of Athena is dead."

Andy's hands twitched; she was about to reach for his neck.

"Tony may be alive," Chiron said. "He is very bright. If... If our enemies have him, he will play for time."

"That's right," Thalia said. "And Luke would never hurt him." Andy scowled. Thalia noticed. "What, Jackson?"

"I think you've been gone for too long. Luke's not—"

"You don't know him."

"You don't know the new him! Anthony—"

"Anthony and Luke were my friends long before they were anything to you!" Thalia stated and she shoved Andy causing a shock of electricity through her body. Andy growled and made the water erupt from Chiron's glass right into Thalia's face.

They faced each other. Thalia was breathing heavily. "You want to play, Jackson?"

"Bring it on, Grace."

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