Not Just Anybody

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Act II — Heart of the Ocean

Part V — Help! I need somebody! Not just anybody! You know I need someone!

In the meadow, at the base of the ravine, several dozen huge sheep were milling around. Just past them was a path that led up into the hills. At the top of the path, near the edge of the canyon, was a massive oak tree with something gold glittering in its branches.

A deer emerged and trotted into the meadow. It happened so fast Andy thought she had imagined. The deer was lost in a sea of sheep. A second later, the sheep moved away and where the deer had been was a pile of clean white bones.

Andy and Anthony exchanged a glance. With no way to pass the sheep, they went to the edge of the rocks and made their way up the cliff. Climbing seemed possible and they decided it was the best idea. They started off slowly. Anthony went first because he was better at it. When they reached the top, their muscles were shaking from exhaustion and they collapsed on the floor.

"You're a feisty one," a deep voice bellowed from below them.

"Challenge me!" Clarisse's voice was clear. "Give me back my sword and I'll fight you!"

The monsters roared with laughter. Anthony and Andy exchanged another look and crept to the edge of the cliff. They were right above the entrance to the Cyclops cave. Below them stood Polyphemus and Grover wearing a wedding dress, gods knew why. Clarisse was tied up, hanging upside down over a pot of boiling water.

Polyphemus pondered, "Eat loudmouth girl now or wait for the wedding feast? What does my bride think?" He turned to Grover.

Andy almost choked at that.

"I'm not hungry right now, dear," Grover told him.

"Oh, please!" mocked Clarisse. "He's a satyr!"

Grover yelped. "The poor thing's brain is boiling from that hot water. Pull her down, dear."

"What satyr?" Polyphemus narrowed his eye. "Satyrs are good eating. You bring me a satyr?"

"You already have one, you idiot!" Clarisse said. "The one in the wedding dress."

Anthony cursed and put his Yankees cap on, disappearing. Polyphemus turned and inspected Grover. "I don't see very well," he said. "Not since many years ago when the other hero stabbed me in the eye. But YOU'RE NO LADY CYCLOPS!" Grover yelped and ducked as the monster swiped over his head.

"Stop!" he pleaded. "Don't eat me raw. I—I have a good recipe!"

Polyphemus hesitated. "Recipe?"

"Oh, y-yes! You don't want to eat me raw. You'll get botulism and all sorts of horrible diseases. I'll taste much better grilled over a slow fire. With mango chutney! You can go get mangoes, I'll wait right here."

The monster pondered, "Grilled satyr with mango chutney." He looked back at Clarisse. "You a satyr, too?"

"No, you overgrown pile of shit!" she yelled. "I'm the daughter of Ares! Now untie me so I can rip your arms off!"

"Rip my arms off," he repeated.

"And stuff them down your throat!"

"You got spunk."


Polyphemus snatched up Grover as if he were a wayward puppy. "Have to graze sheep now. Wedding postponed until tonight. Then we'll eat satyr for the main course."

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