His Indecisions

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Act IV — To Stop The Tide

Part IV — Tough there's no one there to guide you, no one to take your hand, with faith and understanding, you will journey from boy to man.

Luke knelt on a Persian rug in front of the golden sarcophagus of Kronos. "Our spies report success, my lord," he was saying. "Camp Half-Blood is sending a quest, as you predicted. Our side of the bargain is almost complete."

"Excellent," the voice of Kronos was freezing with cruelty. "Once we have the means to navigate, I will lead the vanguard through myself."

"My lord, perhaps it is too soon. Perhaps Krios or Hyperion should lead—"

"No," the voice was quiet but absolutely firm. "I will lead. One more heart shall join our cause, and that will be sufficient. At last I shall rise fully from Tartarus."

"But the form, my lord..." Luke's voice shook.

"Show me your sword, Luke Castellan." Luke drew his sword. "You pledged yourself to me," Kronos reminded him. "You took this sword as proof of your oath."

"Yes, my lord. I just—"

"You wanted power," the titan continued. "I gave you that. You are now beyond harm. Soon you will rule the world of gods and mortals. Do you not wish to avenge yourself? To see Olympus destroyed?"

Luke shivered. "Yes."

"Then make ready the strike force. As soon as the bargain is done, we shall move forward. First, Camp Half-Blood will be reduced to ashes. Once those bothersome heroes are eliminated, we will march on Olympus."

There was a knock on the door. Luke rose. "Come in."

Two dracaenae slithered in followed by Kelli, the empousa. "Hello, Luke," she smiled.

"What is it, demon?" his voice was cold. "I told you not to disturb me."

Kelli pouted. "That's not very nice. You look tense. How about a nice massage?"

Luke stepped back. "If you have something to report, say it. Otherwise begone!"

"I don't know why you're so huffy these days. You used to be fun to hang around." She shrugged. "The advance team is ready, as you requested. We can leave—" she frowned.

"What is it?" Luke asked.

"A presence," she said. "Your senses are getting dull, Luke. We're being watched." Kelli's eyes found Andy and she lunged.


Andy fell off the bed, her body shaking. As she tried to easy her breathing, she noticed that same strange light coming from the fountain. Desperately, she looked for a drachma everywhere until she found one and threw it into the mist.

Nico appeared, but he wasn't in the Underworld this time. He was in a graveyard instead, under a starry sky, watching some gravediggers at work. "Is it deep enough yet?" he asked, irritated.

"Nearly, my lord," it was the same ghost from before. "But this is unnecessary. You already have me for advice."

"I want a second opinion." Nico snapped his fingers, and the digging stopped. Two skeletons climbed out of the hole. "You are dismissed. Thank you." The skeletons collapsed into piles of bones.

"You might as well thank the shovels," the ghost complained. "They have as much sense."

Nico ignored him. He reached into a large Wal-Mart bag next to his feet and pulled out a twelve-pack of Coke. He popped open a can and poured it into the grave. "Let the dead taste again," he murmured. "Let them rise and take this offering. Let them remember."

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