Strong As The Sea

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Act V — Walking On Water

Part I — Taming the tides, swarming the sea. Defending our friends from enemies as big as a whale.

Andy and Rachel were gazing at the sea. Well, Andy was. Rachel was waiting for an answer. She had asked Andy to her family's vacation house on St Thomas for three days. But in a few days Andy would be eighteen and it was probable that bad things were coming. The half-bloods had spent the entire year getting ready for the war against the Titan Lord and now there just wasn't any more time.

"I know the timing is bad," Rachel said. "But it's always bad for you, isn't it?"

Now there she had a point. "I'd like to go," Andy promised. "I would! It's just—"

"The war," she nodded. "Just think about it, okay? It'd be so much better if you were with us. Besides, there's something I want to talk—" she stopped abruptly. "Let's just pretend we're a couple of normal people for a few days. That's all I want."

Andy could tell something was bothering Rachel. They had spent a lot of time together this last year. But when she opened her mouth to ask, Rachel leaned over and kissed her.

"I'm sorry," the red-headed pulled away as if she'd been electrocuted. "Oh, Andy, I'm so, so sorry. That was not right. I mean, Anthony..." she trailed off.

Andy gave her an awkward pat on the back. "It's okay. I doubt he'll mind..." The whole situation was so strange Andy felt the urge to laugh. Her year was getting weirder and weirder.

Then Blackjack appeared with Charles Beckendorf on his back. Beckendorf was dressed for combat. His explosives bag was slung over his shoulder. "Hey, Andy," he said. "It's time."

A clump formed in her throat. She'd almost forgotten they had a mission tonight, even though they had been planning it for weeks. Part of her hoped it would never happen.

"Good luck," Rachel said. She was blushing, still embarrassed by what she'd done, but tried to put on a brave face. "Go kill some monsters for me."

Beckendorf offered his hand and pulled Andy behind him. Then Blackjack soared over the Atlantic.


It was almost dark by the time they spotted their target. The Princess Andromeda glowed on the horizon, heading straight for New York.

"You know what to do?" asked Beckendorf. Andy nodded grimly.

Blackjack set them down on the lowest stern deck. "Don't wait for us," Andy ordered. The winged-horse wished them luck and flew off into the night. Andy uncapped Riptide.

"Please, gods, keep her safe," Beckendorf whispered to the night sky. Andy knew he meant Silena Beauregard. The two of them had started going out. That made her thoughts travel to her own on-going romance... No. She wouldn't think of Anthony. Not now.

"We'll make it back, Chuck," she told him with fake certainty.

There was worry in his eyes, but Beckendorf managed a smile. "Let's go blow Kronos back into a million pieces."

He led the way. They descended downstairs as quietly as they could. Finally, they found the engine room. A telkhine was hunched over a console. Andy turned him into dust before he even noticed them.

Beckendorf tossed her a jar of thick green liquid—Greek fire—and a roll of duct tape. "Slap that one on the console, Andy," he said. "I'll get the turbines."

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