A Maiden's Tender Heart

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Act III — Deep Blue Sea

Part IV — When destiny calls you, you must be strong. I may not be with you, but you've got to hold on.

Anthony was still kneeling under the weight of a dark mass that looked like a pile of boulders. He was exhausted. His legs were trembling from the effort.

"How is our mortal guest?" A male voice boomed.

Luke emerged from the shadows and knelt beside Anthony. "He can't take much longer. He's losing strength. We must hurry."

Anthony gasped. The deep voice chuckled and Artemis was thrust forward into the light, her hands bound in celestial bronze chains.

"You heard him," said the man in the shadows. "Save the demigod."

Artemis' eyes flashed with anger. "How dare you?"

"He will die," Luke said. "Are you going to let him?"

"I don't owe men a thing."

"But you are not a murderer," the voice said. "You are weak, Artemis. You have a maiden's tender heart."

Artemis bowed her head. "Free my hands."

Anthony made a weak sound of protest. Luke freed Artemis from her chains and the goddess ran to Anthony and took the burden from his shoulders. Anthony collapsed on the ground shivering. Artemis staggered, trying to support the weight.

The man in the shadows laughed. "Now you are out of the way for good. I knew you'd have mercy for the boy."

"You know nothing of mercy, you swine."

"Indeed," the man said. "Luke, you may kill him, now."

Artemis gritted her teeth. Luke hesitated. "Maybe we should keep him. He might be useful."

"You truly believe that, godling?"

"Yes, General. They will come for him. I'm sure."

The man considered. "Assuming he doesn't die from his injuries, the dracaenae can keep him here until the solstice. After that, the lives of all mortals will be meaningless."

Luke gathered up Anthony's body and carried him away from Artemis. Anthony moaned and whispered, "You know he means your life, too, don't you?" Luke ignored him.

"You will never find the monster you seek," Artemis promised.

"Your Hunters are coming for you, directly into my hands. So, if you'll excuse me, I'll go make their quest... challenging."


Andy woke up with a start. There was a horse in her cabin watching her sleep. "What—Who—Gaaah!"

"Hey, there," the voice said inside her head. The horse's black wings spread startling her.

"What the shit?!"

"I'm Blackjack," the horse said.

She sat up. "How are you doing this? Talking to me?"

"You're a daughter of Poseidon," he explained. "Horses can speak to you."

"Oh, joy. What do you want?"

"A sea friend needs your help. I told the hippocampi I'd come get you." Andy groaned but followed Blackjack. At the beach, he pointed at the spot. "Just go way down."

Andy Jackson: Child of Land & SeaWhere stories live. Discover now