A Beautiful Fool

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Act II — Heart of the Ocean

Part III — You know I am a righteous man; of my virtue I am justly proud.


Anthony came running toward her looking worried and baffled. "What...? I thought you were in danger! I came as fast as I could."

His concern was so evident Andy had to hide her smile. "I'm not in danger."

"Then why were you asking for help?"

"I wasn't."


"I think we've established I'm not in any danger," she stopped him. "Now, listen. We don't have much time. Hey, Tyson, come here." The Cyclops approached and Andy told them about her conversation with Hermes.

"We need to go, then," Anthony decided, picking up one of the backpacks.

Andy was a little surprised. Somehow she didn't think Anthony enjoyed very much the whole breaking the rules thing she had going on. "Are you sure? We might get into real trouble. And you promised Chiron that—"

"That I would keep you alive, yes. I have every intention to keep that promise. Now, your monster of a brother can stay behind and—"

"I want to go," said Tyson.

"No!" Anthony's voice was so carried with anger Andy almost backed away. "You're not going anywhere with us."

"Anthony," she called softly. "We can't leave him. Tantalus will punish him."

"Andy, we are going to Polyphemus's island! We can't take a Cyclops—"

"He can go if he wants to go," Andy insisted.

"Want to," Tyson clapped his hands.

Andy looked at Anthony worried that he might change his own mind about going, but he only said: "How do we get to that ship?"

"Hermes said my father would help."

"Then what are you waiting for, Seaweed Brain?"

With a nod, Andy stepped into the water and called for her father. She really had no idea what she was doing but she must've done something right because the next moment, three white stallions reared out of the waves.

"Fish ponies!" Tyson shouted.

"Hippocampi," Anthony corrected.

They mounted the steeds. Riding was easy and fast. As they got closer to the ship, Andy let out a snort. The ship's name was painted just above the bow live in black letters, lit with a spotlight—PRINCESS ANDROMEDA.

When they managed to go aboard the ship Tyson kept saying that there was a bad smell in the air.

"What exactly are you smelling?" asked Anthony.

"Something bad," he didn't specify.

"Great," the other complained. "You're a great help."

They passed a few sets of doors until they heard a very familiar voice. "—only a matter of time. Don't push me, Agrius!"

It was Luke.

"I'm not," the other guy growled. "I'm just saying. If this gamble doesn't pay off—"

"It'll pay off," Luke snapped. "They'll take the bait."

Andy glanced at Anthony who had gone very pale. "We need to find out what he's up to."

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