The Hero's Soul

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Act V — Walking On Water

Part XI — Yet I feel my heart is aching, though it doesn't beat it's breaking. And the pain here that I feel, try and tell me it's not real.

Clarisse turned into a demon. Without armor or spear, she rode her chariot straight into the Titan's army and crushed everything in her path. She charged after the enemy, yelling insults and daring them to cross her. She was literally glowing—an aura of red fire flickering around her.

"The blessing of Ares," Thalia said. "I've never seen it in person before."

Clarisse seemed as invincible as Andy was. Nothing could hit her. "I am Clarisse," she shouted, "Drakon-slayer! I'll kill you all! Where is Kronos? Bring him out! Bring out that coward!"

The enemy fell back but Clarisse went after them. Meanwhile, they treated their wounded, bringing them inside the lobby. Long after the enemy had retreated from sight, Clarisse kept riding up and down the avenue demanding that Kronos meet her battle.

"I'll watch her," Chris said. "Eventually, she'll get tired."

"What about camp?" Andy asked him. "Is anybody left there?"

Chris shook his head. "Only Argus and the dragon."

"Well... I'm glad you came."

Chris nodded sadly. "Sorry it took so long. I tried to reason with Clarisse. I told her all of our friends were here. And Silena..." his voice died away.

"My Hunters will help you stand guard," Thalia said. "Tony and Andy, you should go to Olympus. Set up the final defense."


Connor and Travis Stoll met Andy in the reception. "Is it true about Silena?" Connor asked.

"Whatever you heard, you better forget," Andy told him. "She died a hero and that's the end of it. Got it?"

They nodded. "Hey, listen. We figured the enemy will have trouble fitting in the elevators," Travis said.

"Yes. Our biggest advantage. We need to keep them away from the doors, though."

"We need reinforcements," Travis said.

"There is no reinforcement," Connor mumbled.

"Maybe that's not true," Andy said looking at Mrs. O'Leary who was resting. "Hey, girl," she whispered, petting the dog. "I know you're tired, but there's something you need to do." And she sent the hellhound away.


Andy found Grover and Anthony in the lobby kneeling over a fat wounded satyr. "Grover," Leneus called weakly.

"I'm here," Grover said. He was crying despite all the horrible things Leneus had said about him.

"Did... did we win?"

"Yes," Grover lied. "Thanks to you, Leneus. We drove the enemy away."

"Told you," the old satyr mumbled. "True leader. True..." he closed his eyes for the last time. Grover spoke an ancient blessing and the satyrs body melted into a pile of fresh soil.

"A laurel," Grover said in awe. "Oh, that lucky old goat." He gathered up the sapling in his hands. "I'll plant him. In Olympus."

"We're going that way," Andy said.

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