Claiming Sanctuary

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Act IV — To Stop The Tide

Part IX — Go ahead and zap me with the big surprise, snap me in a trap, cut me down to size. I'll make a big escape, it's just a piece of cake, you're only second rate!

Anthony looked like someone had hit him with a sack of bricks. He listened to the plan silently, but Andy could tell he was getting angrier with every word that came out of her mouth. Chiron stroked his beard, thoughtful.

"I think she likes me," Andy insisted, thinking about Rachel Dare's flirty smiles. "I couldn't see it before. I was distracted. But now I do."

"Why would she like you?" Clarisse sneered, asking the real question.

"Hey, I'm a very likable person," Andy defended herself. "And it doesn't matter why. The point is she's the key to the Labyrinth."

"There is precedent," Chiron agreed, sounding distracted. "Theseus wouldn't have gotten anywhere without Ariadne."

"This is my quest," Anthony whispered so low it was hard to hear him. "I need to lead it."

"Part of being a leader is knowing when you need help," Chiron reminded him.

"I don't like this," he argued. "It's not a good idea."

"I know it's hard to admit we need a mortal's help," Andy said, "but—"

"What is your plan exactly, Andy?" he got agitated. "Use the girl because she likes you and then drop her off somewhere like Theseus did Ariadne?"

"Of course not! I don't want to use her because she likes me. But maybe she'll want to help us because of that. There's a difference."



Andy stared at him. He seemed determined to not agree to anything she had to say. She couldn't understand why he was acting this way. Anthony shook his head and walked away.

People are more difficult to work with than machines, Hephaestus had said. Touché.

"What is wrong with him?" she asked Chiron.

"Too much in his mind, I'm afraid. He hasn't spoken since his return. And now, with you here and your little tale about Calypso..."

"Oh, for shit's sake, Jackson," Clarisse said. "Are you that dense? He's freaking out. Terrified. And he should be. That maze makes everyone lose it."

Andy leaned against the wall, considering that. Clarisse's words made sense but... what was Anthony so afraid of?

Chiron told the other campers to go to bed.

"What about Tyson and Grover?" Andy asked, suddenly. "Any news?"

The centaur shook his head. "The Council of Cloven Elders has revoked Grover's searcher's license. Assuming he comes back alive, they will force him into a shameful exile." He sighed. "I have two things to tell you, Andy. Firstly, Chris Rodriguez is much worse. He's in the infirmary, too weak to move. He doesn't respond to anything. He has lost the will to live."

Andy was surprised. She thought Clarisse had looked much better... But maybe the daughter of Ares was just like the son of Athena. Maybe they'd rather keep the pain where no one could see it.

"The other news is less pleasant still. Quintus has disappeared."


"Slipped into the Labyrinth," he shook his head again. "So many betrayals. I had hoped he would prove a friend." With another heavy sigh, Chiron sent Andy to bed.

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