A Wave Of Jealousy

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Act III — Deep Blue Sea

Part I — If I never knew you I'd be safe but half as real, never knowing I could feel a love so strong and true.

It was the Friday before winter break. Thalia had only been back for a couple of weeks. Andy hadn't had time to get to know the girl, she had gone home to her mother, and it killed her to think about Anthony and Thalia being together at camp.

She was very glad for this mission even though it was dark and snowy and terribly cold. Sally didn't want Andy to leave, but Anthony had managed to convince her. Sally thought he was the most level headed demigod ever and seemed to trust him with Andy's life. When they had left her house, Thalia had turned to Andy and said, "Your mom is cool."

Andy didn't know if she was mocking her or not. "Do you ever get in touch with yours?" she asked.

Thalia gave her the evil eye. She seemed to do that a lot. "If that was any of your business—"

"Alright, forget I asked." And they went on with their mission.

Westover Hall looked like an evil knight's castle. Thalia even shivered. "I wonder what Grover found here to send a distress call."

"Let's find out, Grace," Andy said and they headed inside. The place was huge and super creepy. Andy immediately grabbed her ballpoint pen and felt better when she saw Thalia rubbing her silver bracelet, her favorite magic item.

Anthony started to say, "I wonder where—", when the door slammed shut behind them. There was music coming from the other end of the hall. They headed that way but a man and a woman intercepted them.

"What are you doing here?" asked the woman.

"Visitors are not allowed at the dance," the man said. "You shall be ejected." He had a French accent.

Thalia stepped forward and snapped her fingers. A gust of wind rippled out from her hand, across the room. It washed over all of them. "We're not visitors," she told them. "We go to school here. You remember. I'm Thalia. And this is Anthony and Andy."

The man narrowed his two-colored eyes but hesitated. He looked at the woman. "Ms. Gottschalk, do you know these students?"

The woman blinked. "I... yes, I believe I do, sir." she frowned. "Thalia. Anthony. Andy. What are you doing away from the gymnasium?"

Then Grover came trotting. "You made it! You—" He stopped when he saw the teachers. "Oh, Ms. Gottschalk. Dr. Thorn! I, uh—"

"What is it, Mr. Underwood?" asked the man. "What do you mean, they made it? These students live here."

Grover swallowed. "Yes, sir. Of course. I just meant... I'm so glad that they made... the punch for the dance! It tastes delicious. Good job, guys."

Dr. Thorn glared at them.

"The punch is excellent," said Ms. Gottschalk. "Now run along. You may not leave the gymnasium."

Grover hustled them down the hall in the direction of the music.

"How did you do that with your fingers?" Andy whispered to Thalia.

"The Mist?" she said. "Chiron showed me how to do that."

"You've been back for like ten days!"

"Yes, and while you've been home enjoying life, Jackson, I've been training really hard."

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