Even Mightier Than the Pen

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Diana's body went stiff when she saw what just happened. "How......." Elsa and Lyon looked at, taken aback.

Alrazo stared at the redhead, his face sporting a frown under his hood. "Impossible.", he mumbled. Without wasting any time, he raised his sword to strike her.

Diana quickly raised her hands and a sheer golden shell formed around them, shielding them from Alrazo. Elsa, Diana and Lyon marvelled at Diana's new found powers. Burning with fury, the huntsman kept on attacking the barrier, using every weapon he had in hand as well as his blue magic. He stopped when he heard a whine.

Turning his head sideways, he saw Heivis slowly struggle to stand upright on his paws and gestured towards the door with his muzzle.

Alrazo smiled evily.

Next to the broken door lay the Book, long forgotten by the feuding five. Lyon sweared under his breathe. If Diana removed the barrier, Alrazo will attack them. Both he and Elsa were exhausted. Diana did not know what her powers could do so she wasn't very helpful.

Alrazo turned to the shielded three and smirked. "I'll atleast get one out of the four things I came for." Saying so, he made his way towards the book.

"No!", Diana exclaimed and the barrier fell. Alrazo turned his head with a jerk and faster than lightning, pulled out two daggers and flicked it at them.

At the nick of time, Lyon summoned a sword and deflected both. Alrazo groaned. "Flavio has always got on my nerves." He snapped his fingers and and countless tentacles appeared, shooting towards the boy.

Diana was going to put up another barrier, when a low growl was heard. Heivis bounded up to her, teeth bared viciously. She changed direction and created the barrier, making the dog crash into it.

"Is a barrier the only thing I can make?", Diana asked frustratedly. Tessa, from behind the wall Alrazo had made, screamed. "Elsa! The book."

Elsa's head snapped back to the book. Heivis saw the exchange and was about to pounce on her but was stopped by another one of Diana's light shields. Alrazo saw Elsa moving towards the book. After throwing Lyon back with a blow from his blade, Alrazo moved towards the girl.

"Elsa, watch out!" Lyon shouted. Said girl whipped around, her face dirty and sporting scratch marks. Running backwards towards the book, she created a fireball and threw it at the huntsman.

Alrazo was an experienced ranger. He dodged the ball of fire with ease. Elsa kept on throwing fireballs to slow him down. She was just a step away from the book but she knew that bending to pick it up would give him an advantage over her.

Diana was getting tired of making barriers to push Heivis back. She concentrated on her magic and slammed her hand on the ground. A large light shell encased Heivis. The dog slammed against its walls, desperately trying to be free.

The banging distracted Alrazo. He turned to see his partner caged. With a flick of his wrist, blue smoke came from underneath his sleeves and covered the shield. In about five seconds, the shield cracked and broke, throwing Diana back. But that was all the time Elsa needed.

She quickly picked up the book just as Alrazo turned. His eyes flitted between Elsa and what was now in her hand. Roaring with anger, he raised his hands into the air. Blue smoke circled his palms, forming a large ball. "Elsa!", Diana and Lyon screamed in chorus, taking a step forward.

Alrazo launched the blue ball at the girl. Elsa, not knowing what to do, stretched the book out in front of her. The moment the ball came in contact with the book, a bright light shone through the ruined hall of the Georges mansion.

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