From the Frying Pan into the Fire

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{After a long time! I KNOW!!

Sorry! :'(

Tenth grade sucks like hell! >_< Too busy!

Just want to get this one over with......

Comment!! Vote!! }

"Derweze?!", Amjaz turned, surprised. "Madam, Derweze very far. We go in desert. Very far." "We'll pay an equivalent amount. Please!", Diana pleaded. We really need to get there."

Amjaz sighed and revved the car's engine, causing cheers to erupt from the teens.

The burly driver turned around once again and spoke in his broken English, "We go four hours and half hours. Good sight seeing. You want to see?" Diana shook her head and spoke, "As much as we would love to see, no thanks. All we want to see is that flaming crater."

Amjaz shrugged and turning back, swerved the car out of its parking column and into the road.

As he drove the taxi out of the airport and into what seemed like the main road, he said, "We reach in evening. You sure no sight seeing?" "Yeah. We need to reach as early as possible.", Lyon answered.

Once silence had settled between the two parties, Lyon slid the shutter separating the front and the back seat shut. The very next moment, Diana clicked open the suitcase and took the Book out delicately.

"Pritorio de leie duaa de pritorias

Mey azcara tona Aedus

Mey azcara tona misa de fyer

Mey azcara tona Aedus"

Elsa quickly read off the cover and a small ball of fire appeared over the book, eventually taking on a dragon-like form. Within a few seconds, it condensed, revealing Aedus.

"It was qui-"


All three of them shushed him. Lyon, pointing towards the front, mouthed to the tiny dragon, "He will be able to hear you. Talk softly.", gesturing wildly with his hands to emphasize his point.

Aedus snapped his jaw shut and then opened it again but his voice was just a whisper. "How long till the Door To Hell?", he asked.

"Four and a half hours. We'll only reach by evening.", Diana replied. Aedus groaned softly. "Too late. We need more time.", he admitted, completely frustrated.

Elsa glared with her grey eyes at the dragon and said, "We're doing our best. Fighting evil sorcerers and travelling halfway around the world to reach a portal to another planet isn't exactly in an average teenager's schedule."

The other two laughed while Aedus just huffed, partially annoyed by her sarcastic response and partially guilty for expecting so much from them.

"Whatever.", Diana started."Now what do we d-"

Suddenly she stopped, making the others turn towards her. Her mouth was still open in pronouncing the last syllable but no sound came. Her face was inscrutable and her brown eyes unfocused.

Well, not for long.

A green haze covered her eyes and her mouth widened in a silent scream. "Green eyes.....LYON! I think she is seeing the future again.", Elsa whisper-shouted, keeping in mind the fact that if she spoke loudly, the driver would hear.

"The future? Oh my, you all are exactly like them. Has this happened before?", Aedus asked, concerned.

"Yeah.", Lyon replied, "She saw Elsa controlling all five elements together."

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