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"Place it here gently."

"Put in here."

"Please bring that one in."

"Hurry up."

"I need one more of that."


Today is the preparation for tonight's ball and now we are here inside where the event will be held.

I'm tired of hearing all those words, I've been stuck here for hours and I know Princess Nayeon is tired too since she's been checking if everything is going well.

"Excuse me miss?"

Man, that scared me.

I turned around to look at the person who just spoke, "Umm yes?"

"I'm sorry for scaring you but please inform Princess Nayeon that she needs to go get ready for tonight's ball." the lady said.

"Oh sure, thank you." I said and bowed and went to where Princess Nayeon is, "Your majesty, Princess Nayeon?"

"Yes, Sana-ssi?"

"You need to go and get ready your majesty."

"Oh, I completely forgot, let us go."

We both went to her room to go help her prepare for tonight's event.

Since she's a princess of this kingdom and if I'm not mistaken, she's the only princess of the Kim family so she needs to be perfect for tonight's ball.

"Sana-ssi make sure to get ready too after me."

"Yes, your majesty." I bowed and helped.

Dahyun's POV

"Nice aim hyung."

Today we are going to have another event which I'm not interested in.

We didn't bother preparing for tonight's ball since it's not our thing.

We are currently outside practicing archery, I'm with my fellow prince.

Prince Jeongyeon of the Yoo's, Prince Chaeyoung of the Son's, and Prince Tzuyu the only child of the Chou's.

Archery is Chaeyoung's favorite sport so whenever we get the chance to do something freely he always suggests this so we got used to it too.

"Yah Jeongyeon hyung!" Tzuyu called.

"Don't shout where not meters away, what do you need?"

"Your sisters are coming right?"

I knew it.

Tzuyu and Chaeyoung admire Jeongyeon's sisters a lot, I don't know why but they're focused when it comes to them.

"Of course they will, they are the Princesses of the Yoos, they will come."

"I will be leaving now, I need to be prepared for the Kim Nayeon." Jeongyeon hyung said.

Another one down.

"Let's go ahead then, we still need to be prepared for tonight's ball. I'll see you, gentlemen, there," I said

The other prince went to their carriages and I went to my horse and head back to the castle.

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