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Blake's outfit

Chapter Thirty-Six⊚ Lunar Eclipse ⊚

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Chapter Thirty-Six
Lunar Eclipse

All of the sudden Blake's white eyes shot open with a gasp as she stepped away from the tub. A few seconds later Scott, Allison and Stiles burst up from the water in the steel tubs, gasping for breath. Fingers wrapping around the sides of the tub, Scott sits up, blinking away the water dripping down his face. 

He peers about, squinting under the glare. Feet land on tiled floor as the three teenagers pull themselves out, Blake helping Stiles a bit. They gaze over a large and empty, industrial white room. A room that might have once housed dozens of cubicles, but is now devoid of any life. 

Soaking wet, Allison, Scott and Stiles look to each other in confusion before looking at Blake worriedly. "Are you okay?" Stiles ask and Blake chuckled and nodded, "I'm pretty sure I should be asking you guys that. You did just drown." She said, glancing around until they all notice something even stranger.

At the other end of the room, a massive tree stump seems to grow right out of the tiled floor. Without a word spoken, the three teens begin a cautious approach. Scott reaches the stump first and looks down with widening eyes at the numerous rings of the tree. His hand rises to his arm, pulling his wet sleeve up to gaze on the two bands of his tattoo. 

Almost by instinct, Scott reaches a hand out to the rings on the base of the tree stump. The moment he touches the wood with his fingertips, his eyes close and all of the sudden it was like they were all sucked into a vision. 

"Any luck yet?" Derek asked through the phone as sixteen year old Blake walked through the woods with nothing but her phone up to her ear and a small dull flashlight. "Nothing yet. I'm assuming that means you haven't found her yet?" She asked. 

"Nothing yet. Are you sure she's dead?" Derek asked and Blake sighed, "I trust what I saw and felt, Der. I know that one of us is gonna find half of her body somewhere in these god damn woods." Blake said and Derek sighed. "The cops already found half of her body then. Why dont we just let them find the other?" Derek suggested. 

"Derek, she was our sister. Who was murdered. I have to put her to rest." Blake said as she wiped away a lone tear from her face. All of the sudden her feet tripped over something, sending her to the ground with a groan. 

"Blake?" Derek asked worriedly but she didn't answer right away as she shined her flashlight at where she tripped. There laid the bruised, bloody top half of her older sister's body. Blake gasped, her hand flying up to her mouth as she scrambled back until her back hit a tree, not paying any attention to her brother's worried calls. 

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐋𝐋 ➢ ꜱᴛɪʟᴇꜱ ꜱᴛɪʟɪɴꜱᴋɪWhere stories live. Discover now