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Blake's outfit

Chapter Ninety-Three⚔ After Images ⚔

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Chapter Ninety-Three
After Images

"Where are we going?" Blake asked as her and Scott walked over to the jeep, "I already told you." Scott said and she pursed her lips as she climbed in. "I wasn't paying attention." She said and Scott just sighed and shook his head as he started up the jeep. He started pulling out and glanced back in to quickly hit the brakes.

Blake glanced back and her eyes widened when she saw someone standing behind the jeep, "Lori?" They both mumbled before getting out and walking over to her. "I found this. It's Brett's, and he's missing, and I heard gunshots." Lori said holding out a broken, bloody end of a lacrosse stick.

"How do you know this is his blood?"

"Because he's my brother. It's mine, too."

"Here." Liam yelled making Scott, Lori, Malia and Blake run over to where he was at a tree that had an arrow sticking out of it, on the ground was Brett's phone. "I think he set a trap." Liam said and Blake nodded slightly as she glanced around, "He's fighting back." She said.

"And now we know he's alive." Malia said and Lori walked over and ripped the arrow out the three, "But he's still hurt. We need to find him- he needs to know we're here." She said. She turned around and went to let out a roar but Blake quickly stopped her, "You want the Hunter to know we're here, too?" She asked and Liam shook his head slightly.

"He's new. We can take him." He said and she sighed and looked at him, "A hunter being new is almost as dangerous as a hunter with experience. An experienced hunter will play with their hunt, play plan, traps. A new hunter will aim to kill on site because that's their best chance." Blake said and Malia nodded in agreement.

"And what if Brett howls back? He'll lead the Hunter right to him." Malia said and Scott shook his head slightly, "No, we could find him first. There's no human that can track sounds faster than we can, and we're got the advantage. We've done this before. We know what we're doing, guys." Scott said as Liam grabbed the arrow.

"How come I can't catch his scent?" Malia asked, "He's masking it." Lori said making sigh. "Can someone tell him not to?" She asked and before anyone could say anything Liam spoke up. "He went this way." Liam said and then him and Lori instantly took off. 

Blake sighed before turning to Malia and Scott, "Does no one else see how dangerous this is? His trap didn't work." Blake said and Scott sighed. "Maybe this Hunter is not such an amateur." Scott said and Malia looked at them, "Or maybe he's learning."

"The trail's gone." Malia said a few minutes after they caught up to Liam and Lori, "Uh, maybe he just stopped bleeding?" Scott suggested. "I think we should split up. Lori and I go this way, you guys go that way." Liam said making them look at him, "Or maybe we go in four directions?" Lori said and Malia and Blake shook their heads.

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