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Chapter Sixty-Five 🎭 A Novel Approach 🎭

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Chapter Sixty-Five
🎭 A Novel Approach 🎭

"The Dread Doctors by T.R. McCammon." Lydia read as her, Blake and Malia walked into the school. Lydia slowed down to a stop as she looked at the book Malia brought, making Malia and Blake almost run into her. "What?" Blake asked and Lydia stilled stared at the cover as she started walking again, "I don't know. There's something about it...Has anyone actually read it yet?"

"Just me, and I didn't understand any of it." Malia said making Blake hum, "We should probably all read it." She said and Malia nodded. "Kira's working on that." She said and Blake nodded as they walked up to Malia's locker. 

"Stiles says he can't find anything on the author. He thinks it's a pen name." She said as Blake now looked at the book before turning it over to read the back. 

""In a small New England town, teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive. Days later, they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc and spreading terror, commanded by an ancient order of parascientists know only as the Dread Doctors."" She said then hummed looking up at them, "Sounds familiar." She said and Malia nodded. 

"How does it end?" Lydia asked and Malia shook her head, "It doesn't. This is supposed to be Volume One." Malia said making Lydia hum. "Oh, let me guess- there is no Volume Two?" Lydia asked and Blake sighed, "With our luck? We're probably living volume two." 

"Then maybe the real question is... Is this a novel or someone's prediction?"

"Why is your heart beating so fast?" Malia asked turning around as they sat in class making Blake look over at Lydia who was looking at the book. "Look at this. Look at the "Acknowledgements" page." Lydia said holding the book out for them to read. 

"For providing scientific perspective and invaluable insight... this book is dedicated to Dr. Gabriel Valack." Blake said then closed her eyes and groaned softly, "This just gets better and better." She mumbled.


"Blake, I'm going with you." Stiles said, grabbing his jacket as Blake stood in his doorway, "I thought you said you were sick." She said and he pursed his lips. "I'm slightly under the weather..." He said and she hummed, not believing him for a second. 

"You don't have to come. Malia's not going, either." Blake said said and he looked at her crazy, "Malia's not going because she knows that place is a nightmare asylum of insanity and death, okay? Let's go." He said as he put his jacket on and winced slightly making her squint at him. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You winced."

"I have a bad elbow." He said and she raised her eyebrows, "It was your shoulder." She said. "Pain radiates. It does that." He said and went to walk out the door but she moved in front of him making him sigh. "Blake, you are not going without me. You remember what happened to Deaton when he talked to Valack?" 

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐋𝐋 ➢ ꜱᴛɪʟᴇꜱ ꜱᴛɪʟɪɴꜱᴋɪWhere stories live. Discover now