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Blake's outfit

Chapter Thirty-One⊚ Currents ⊚

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Chapter Thirty-One

Sometime in the night, Blake decided to go for a walk to get away from her uncle who started to annoy her. Why she though she could ever live with him was beyond her. She walked with her head down while listening to music. She didn't have a destination, she just aimlessly walk.

After a few minutes she looked up to noticed she was in some alleyway, one that was on the other side of town from Peter's apartment. "Not again." She sighed before slowly walking around the corner. She stopped and sighed when she saw a man hanging by his arms in the middle if the alleyway.

She pulled out her phone before dialing a number, "Blake?" Stiles asked confused after he answered his phone. "I know I'm supposed to be really mad at you right now but it happened again. I found another body."

Not long later some Deputies showed up which also alerted some other people creating a crowd. As one of the Deputies questioned Blake, she glanced around before noticing Aiden and Deucalion standing in the front if the crown making her suck in a deep breath. A few feet behind them, Argent stood, also noticing them.

"Am I good to go now?" Blake asked looking back at the deputy who nodded. Blake stood up from a create she was sitting on and walked over to Argent. "Was it the same as the other?" He asked as she walked up to him, "Yes and no. He was definitely a sacrifice but instead of the normal way if death. This time he was hanging by his hands. No strangling, no slit throat." Blake said and glanced back at the body.

"Honestly, the other deaths may sound worse. But this, this was borderline torture." Blake said and Argent looked at her confused, "How so?" He asked as they walked over to his car and she sighed. "The other way was faster. When your by your wrist and hung from there, you could be hanging there for hours, constantly pulling yourself up for air while the rope digs into your skin the more you pull until you're just to weak and you can pull yourself up anymore. And then you slowly start to suffocate."

"It’s how people used to die from crucifixions. It's one of those deaths where you know if you do nothing you'll die quickly. But you fight you die slowly and in pain. But you want to have the chance of someone saving you, have to fight. It's torture." Blake explained as Argent started driving her back to Peter's apartment.

"How do you know so much about this kind of thing?" He asked and she sighed, "I'm not the one killing people if that's what your worried about." She said and he shook his head. "No, no. That's not it, I know how witches work. It's just weird hearing a seventeen year old know so much about death." He said.

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐋𝐋 ➢ ꜱᴛɪʟᴇꜱ ꜱᴛɪʟɪɴꜱᴋɪWhere stories live. Discover now